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Litha, Summer Solstice

Litha, also called Midsummer, celebrates the earth’s abundance and beauty. This is the longest day of the year. From this day, the days grow shorter until Yule. The trees and fields are full and prosperous. The young animals and birds play on the fields and in the trees. This is the time for faeries when the ‘Feast of the Faery’ is celebrated. It’s said that at dusk on this day, the gates between the worlds open, and the faeries can enter our world. Wish them welcome on this day, and maybe they’ll bless you with wisdom and happiness.


Lavender, chamomile, rose, daisy, lily


Frankincense, lemon, rose, wisteria, lavender


Blue, green, yellow


Dried herbs, potpourri, sea shells, summer flowers, fruits


Summer fruits, mead, fresh vegetables


Option 1
Take something which symbolizes whatever it is that has caused you problems before and that you can burn. Maybe a piece of paper with the details written on it.

‘The God and The Goddess are at their highest
The longest day is filled with light
Now is the time to forget and move on
Let old problems be where they belong’

Set fire to the chosen object and visualize that the problems it represents are burned away.

‘By the power of the Lord and Lady I banish you.
Get out of my life and let me be
The time for magic is everywhere
The power of the Lord and Lady is in abundance
Help to fill me with joy and bring me into harmony with the land
Be with me through it all and lead my hand
Tonight is enchantment.
Help me find the magic there.’

Option 2
Here’s a suggestion for a midsummer ritual which can be performed alone. The ritual focuses on the contact with nature’s rhythm and with nature spirits like faeries, dwarfs, undines and salamanders. These are traditionally active at Midsummer. The ritual is also a salute to the Sun God, at the height of his power. The Goddesses powers are awakened for blessing and happiness.

If you don’t have an athame you can use your hands, and remember: when you direct energy, pull the energy from earth and heaven and direct it through yourself – don’t empty yourself of energy! Good luck and happy midsummer!

Prepare the altar with everything you’ll need in advance, and decorate it with the flowers of the season. The altar should traditionally be placed in the north. Make a wreath of flowers or leaves for yourself.

Prepare food and drink, something you associate with midsummer, maybe a strawberry cake and a light wine. Build a bonfire, which you’ll light during the ritual. Place it a bit south of the center of the circle. The bonfire acts as a symbol of the God. Place a cauldron with water and flowers a bit north of the middle of the circle. The cauldron acts as a symbol for the Goddess.

Start with a meditation over the significance of the season, over the power of the Sun and the fertility of the Earth, and over how the God’s and Goddesses aspects are reflected in the Sun and the Earth at this time.

End the meditation by saying:
‘I am here to celebrate the Power that moves the Universe. I unite with the rhythm in an eternal dance and express joy over the Mystery. I walk in pride with my head held high, for the Earth is my Mother and the Sky is my Father, and I am the Gods’ child.’

Point the athame down into the water bowl on the altar, and send cleansing energy down into the water. Visualize how the water sparkles with pure energy, and say: ‘I cleanse and consecrate the water, in the names of the Great Goddess and the Horned God!’

Point the athame down into the salt bowl, and send energy down into the salt, visualize the salt grains being charged lades and sparkling with energy, and say: ‘I consecrate and bless the salt, in the names of the Great Goddess and the Horned God!’

Mix some of the salt in the water. Lift the bowl with both hands, and say: ‘Substance of this earth, salt and water united, I call you forth in joy and respect for you to cleanse and close this circle, in the names of the Great Goddess and the Horned God!’

Sprinkle yourself, the altar and around the circle with salt and water. Light the incense. Point the athame towards the incense and send energy into it, while you say:

‘I consecrate incense for cleansing and well-being, in the names of the Great Goddess and the Horned God!’

Cleanse yourself, the altar and around the circle with incense. Draw the circle with the athame. Send the energy out, and visualize that you’re creating a barrier of energy, while you say:

‘I draw a circle of power, a holy and inviolable meeting place between the worlds, a place for power and love, a shield and a defense for the power I will raise. In the names of the Great Goddess and the Horned God I declare the circle open and active!’

Remember that the circle actually is spherical, rather than a wall of energy. It’s over and under you, as well as around you.

Go to the east, and make an opening in the circle. In your hands you hold a bowl with milk and honey. Invoke the elemental powers of Air, and say:

‘I call upon you, powers of the East, faeries and all air beings!
Come to my circle!
I beg you to take part in my celebration and guard this portal.
Take this gift as a sign of my benevolence.
Merry Meet and welcome!’

Put the bowl with milk and honey down. Go to the south, and make an opening in the circle. In your hands you hold cinnamon sticks and ginger root. Invoke the elemental powers of Fire, and say:

‘I call upon you, powers of the South, salamanders and all fire beings!
Come to my circle!
I beg you to take part in my celebration and guard this portal.
Take this gift as a sign of my benevolence.
Merry Meet and welcome!’

Put the cinnamon sticks and ginger root down. Go to the west, and make an opening in the circle. In your hands you hold a bowl with apple juice and blue flowers. Invoke the elemental powers of Water, and say:

‘I call upon you, powers of the West, undines and all water beings!
Come to my circle!
I beg you to take part in my celebration and guard this portal.
Take this gift as a sign of my benevolence.
Merry Meet and welcome!’

Put the bowl with apple juice and blue flowers down. Go to the north, and make an opening in the circle. In your hands you hold crystals and some pieces of metal (f.ex. coins or a piece of jewelry). Invoke the elemental powers of Earth, and say:

‘I call upon you, powers of the North, dwarfs and all earth beings!
Come to my circle!
I beg you to take part in my celebration and guard this portal.
Take this gift as a sign of my benevolence.
Merry Meet and welcome!’

Put the crystals and metal pieces down.

The gifts for the elementals can be replaced with other things if you have other ideas. Sit down by the cauldron. Focus on the Goddess as the Mother, as the fertile Summer Queen. Place your hands around the cauldron and say:

‘Great Goddess, Mighty Mother, Summer Queen,
I call you!You who are adorned with leafed branches and flowering meadows,
Come to me!Source of life, bringer of fertility,
By seed and by root, by bud and by stalk,
By leaf and flower and fruit,
By life and love I call you!
Goddess, come to my circle and bless me!’

Dip your fingers in the water, and touch your forehead, mouth, heart, womb and feet. Sit quietly for a while and focus on the Goddess. Go to the bonfire. Turn towards the sun and light it. Lift your arms towards the sun, and say:

‘Mighty Sun King, Lord over Life and Death,
I salute you at the height of your power!
Yours is the power which brings the seed up from the soil.
You make meadows and forests green with your warmth.
I salute you, you who in ancient times were called Lugh, Apollo and Balder!
I salute you as the sun of creation with a thousand names,
And beg you to come to my circle and bless me with your power!’

Sit quietly for a while and focus on the God. Jump over the fire! Do something to honor the Gods. You can f.ex. dance, sing or play an instrument if you know how.

Take the chalice from the altar, and put a drop from the cauldron into it. Move it over the fire. Hold the chalice with both hands, while you say:

‘In the names of the Great Goddess and the Horned God
I bless the power which brings forth the fruit on the branch!’ Toast with the gods and drink. Pour some wine on the ground.

Take the cookie from the altar, and put a drop from the cauldron on it. Move it over the fire. Hold it with both hands while you say:

‘In the names of the Great Goddess and the Horned God
I bless the power which brings the grain up from the soil!’ Eat a piece of the cookie, and put a piece on the ground.

You can make a tarot reading or cast runes – midsummer is a good time for divination.

To conclude the ritual, do the following:
Go to the north, and say:

‘Powers of the North, dwarfs and all Earth beings,
I thank you for your presence!
Thank you and farewell!’
Close the opening you made during the invocation.

Go to the west, and say:

‘Powers of the West, undines and all Water beings,
I thank you for your presence!
Thank you and farewell!’
Close the opening you made during the invocation.

Go to the south, and say:

‘Powers of the South, salamanders and all Fire beings,
I thank you for your presence!
Thank you and farewell!’
Close the opening you made during the invocation.

Go to the east, and say:

‘Powers of the East, faeries and all Air beings,
I thank you for your presence!
Thank you and farewell!’

Close the opening you made during the invocation.

Go to the middle of the circle, lift your arms and say:

‘I thank the Great Goddess and the Horned God, The Sun King,
For their power and blessing!’

Place your hands on the ground, and collect the rest of the energy in the circle. Send it down into the ground.

Remember to put out all open fires before you leave!

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