My experience with Linda has been amazing. My Tarot reading was spot on as if she knew me for years. One card mentioned my work environment, which I never spoke of and it was incredibly accurate. We are on opposites sides of the world and through email, I feel we have been friends for a long time. Thank you Linda.
The Business Compass Reading I received from Linda helped to pinpoint areas I needed to focus on in my business. She detailed practical, actionable solutions to my concerns.
Before this reading, I was starting to go in circles trying to take care of everything all at once and getting nowhere. It was exhausting. With her guidance, I have been inspired to create a routine that not only allows me to properly care for my business but also to help me properly care for myself so that I can stop getting burned out.
It has been a week since this reading and I already feel balanced and productive.
Thank you Linda!
Linda’s tarot reading was clear, concise, getting to the heart of the matter. I really appreciated this as a down-to-earth person who is a straight shooter myself. What I enjoyed the most about my reading is that it gave me some food for thought about the next phase of my life. It was very insightful.
After having a reading with Linda, I came away with a sense of calm AND excitement about what my future holds. I loved Linda's laid-back, comforting delivery -- no frantic energy, just calm and soothing. Thank you so much, Linda!! ~ xoxo Shannon
Thank you so much, Linda! This reading really brought to light some things that have been bothering me subconsciously, as well as pointing out some quite obvious things that I should be doing and what I need to be working on both on a personal level and in my business! Your intuitive insight is spot on! You rock, my friend!!! Looks like I’m going to be a busy, busy bee in the next few weeks! Bright blessings and lots of hugs and luvs your way!!
Linda is an excellent reader. She shared with me what is blocking me as well as possible solutions.
Linda, is a really caring and lovely lady. At this moment in my life I was confused as I was trying to take action after procrastinated for a long time. She reassured me I am in the right path. I've had confirmation of that almost straight away with a contact by someone for a mutually beneficial joint venture. She also helped me with networking resources. Will I have another reading? Without any doubt YES
A particularly difficult family issue came up. Linda’s reading was clear, and straight to the heart of what I needed to hold to to get through. Thank you Linda – all’s well.
The reading was spot on. The preparations are in place. We got the news last night. Thank you Linda! I will definately have another reading in a few months.
Not only did my reading neatly sum up the question posed, it described my current frustrations & pointed out a sound course of action. Well done! 🙂
Du ramte godt vedr. hva som er, har skjedd og hva planene mine er i fremtiden! Så det viser at jeg ER på rett vei! 🙂
Translated: You hit well regarding what is, has been and what my plans are in the future! So it shows that I AM on the right track! 🙂
Something that had been on my mind for such a long time & I got a good answer from the rune reading. Very correct that I will have to give something up to get this one thing that I want from life and the reading made me realize I can’t give up my dream. Thanks so much Linda!
Stemmer på en prikk. Den store overgangen, de plutselige utfordringene, og en følelse av at alt kommer til å ordne seg hvis man er villig til å ofre litt på veien.
Translated: That's precisely it. The huge transition, the sudden challenges, and a feeling that everything is going to work out if one is willing to make some sacrifices on the way.
Det stämmer kanonbra. Precis som jag känner mig, lite tillit till mig själv, vill allt ska hända på en gång 🙂 Tusen tack för läsningen, den hjälper mig att se vart jag är på väg och få insikt till vad jag behöver tänka på och jobba med.
Translated: That's really accurate. Exactly the way I feel, low selfasteem, want everything to happen at once 🙂 Many thanks for the reading. It helps me see where I'm going and get insight into what I need to think over and work on.
I got my first reading from Linda and had to think about it for a few days because nothing really came to mind. I could only relate it to pain in my past and something I needed to heal from. Tonight, for the first time in 8 years, I saw a dark hummingbird on my property. I can only relate the hummingbird to joy and happiness and take this as a sign to let go of the pain and move on. Definitely interesting. I think I’ll have another in a few months. 🙂 Thanks Linda!
Helt utrolig nøyaktig og enkel oppsummering av en veldig uoversiktlig situasjon, og også av veien videre. Selv om jeg egentlig ikke tror på sånt som dette stemte det alt for godt til at det er mulig å overse det.
Translated: Incredibly accurate and simple summary of a very complex situation, and also of the way forward. Although I don't really believe in stuff like this, it fit all too well to be possible to ignore.