Other Days
Sabbaths | Esbats | Other Days | Telling Time
Twelfth Night, January 5th
Mirror meditation with a seven-armed candlestick. Say ‘Holy Kings three let me this night see…’ (rhyme) Kiss the mirror before and after.
The Sunday before ‘the Sunday before lent’. St Brighid’s day. The color for the day is white. Decorate the altar with oak bark or branches wrapped in white cloth and a bowl of dirt. Scents: rose, mint, jasmine.
Perform a candle meditation, and then throw the bark/branches in running water. They fill you with inspiration. The dirt is carried around the neck in white cloth or stored in a bowl on the altar.
A feast for Nerthus (Mother Earth). The colors are yellow and green. 9 types of green as a symbol of the end of lent and to keep your health during the year. Red eggs for fertility.
The altar: newly sprung branches, daffodils and other spring flowers. Flower seeds in a bowl. Wish for peace, love, rebirth, spring, warmth, happiness and power. Move in a spiral over the land to be seeded. Have a warm bonfire. Laugh, dance and jump over the bonfire.
Freya Feast (May)
Decorate a maypole with one color ribbon each, wrap them around the pole by dancing. Shout your wish to the ribbons, and then dance the ribbons out again. Take each others hands and move in a spiral to the bonfire.
Sacrifice incense, salt and bread. On this night, the bonfire is purifying and fertilizing. Burn the things you want to get rid of or a symbol for it. Jump over the fire and ask for the Goddess’ gifts. Then walk to the forest and harvest branches in silence.