Stones, crystals etc.
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Gemstones and crystals have been used for centuries as meditation aids and magical foci. Each individual type of stone has different properties. Here are some healing and spiritual properties. The magical properties can be found at the bottom of the page.
Stimulates playing, helps against problems in the throat and mouth region. Calms nervous tension. Calming effects of the sea. Used to help banish fears and phobias. Means seawater. Soothing and cleansing.

A perfect stone to bring on journeys because it’s protective for body and soul. Helps you make the right choices, promotes love, and gives peace and strength/courage. Exchange of this stone between lovers strengthens the bonds. Increases spiritual awareness, has a calming and soothing influence, has the ability to transmute negative into positive, and is very effective as a healing stone. Warmed and placed on the forehead and temples, it is good for headaches. Has the ability to draw through it forces directed towards the body and repels vibrations which the body doesn’t need, thus releasing only the energy patterns beneficial to the body. Best worn in healing near the heart center. Opens up spiritual and psychic centers. Helps prevent drunkenness.
Helps against unwanted desire, good against addiction, headaches and skin problems. Increases the mental capacity and improves the memory. Put it under your pillow against sleeping problems and nightmares. Removes feelings of guilt.
Quartz Crystal
Is probably the most powerful stone, energy-wise. Gives clarity and insight, increases concentration and is therefore good for meditation, astral projection and healing. Stands for protection and power but is also a symbol of man’s spirit and intellect.
It gives protection, energy, stores and sends information. Good against ground and water radiation, creates harmonious vibrations in a room and feelings of divine presence. Generally healing dissolves blockages.
A typical witches’ stone, probably because of its many energies and uses. Helps you to remember, and gives courage and strength. Stands for luck, protection, beauty and love. Powerful healing stone with large amount of organic energy. In ancient times, ground to a powder and mixed with honey or oil of roses for various physical problems. Filters germs and infections and has the power to disinfect. Worn around the neck to help fight infection and respiratory diseases. Lifts the spirits.
Has a positive influence for education and business and in relationships and family matters. Calms and strengthens the self-esteem. Removes fear, negative vibrations and give good sleep. Very good for depressions and digestive problems.
This stone reduces short-temper and stubbornness, gives patience and endurance to be oneself in a hard world. And among many people you feel calm. Stimulates you to express yourself about spiritual questions. Good against squandering.
Heals, gives protection, health and beauty. For energy balancing of emotions and stress.
Lightens the ‘burden’ from past lives and helps you in that respect to find your true self. Helps you to understand that everything happens at the right time and in the best way. Has been used to treat arteries and veins. Good for problems with the thyroid gland and the lungs.
Blue Howlite
The poet’s stone, a younger sister to Turquoise. A symbol of love, beauty and harmony. Brings the outer sky of reality and the ocean of imagination and the soul together. The two meet at the horizon. Brings peace to heart and head, it’s tension-relieving and amplifies the thoughts. Stimulates throat and lungs.
Brings good fortune. Reflects the wearers being and feelings. Promotes unselfishness. Opens the heart to humanitarian love and hope. Good for protection while traveling on water. Gives clarity to spiritual understanding. Good for pre-menstrual symptoms and balancing to the reproductive system. Used to ease childbirth.
A female stone that helps both sexes to acknowledge their feminine side. Helps against emotional fluctuations and hormone imbalance. Strengthens communication abilities, attracts love and strengthens relations. Gives good sleep and protects you on journeys.
Amplifies the healing energy of the one using it. Used to help draw out pain. Able to tap into the energies of the universe. A good stone for meditating on. Works primarily with the Third Eye center, also relates well with the heart center. To be able to tune into the quartz promotes clarity while concentrating on it. Also affects the crown chakra. Very potent and often worn to protect from negative vibrations. Cleanse regularly. Rudilated-rutile needles help focus attention. Smoky-good for calming the mind. Rose-vibrations of universal love & inner serenity.
Rose Quartz
The stone above all others for the heart chakra. Has a strong healing and soothing effect. Relieves grief and bitterness, teaches us to trust people. Brings peace, love and happiness in relationships and is therefore a good gift to a lover or a friend.
Moss Agates is considered to be most powerful. Aid in restoration of energy, used in healing, and believed to bring wearer happiness, wealth, health, and long life. Increases ability to ward off self-induced anger and inner bitterness. Carnelian-gives protection and energy. Moss green-balances emotional energy. Moss red-balances physical energy. Blue lace-gives tranquility.
Promotes communication and mental clarity.
Increases perception and creative insight. Stimulates opportunity and motivation.
Powerful healing stone, invokes spiritual guidance, opens psychic eye. Good for dreams and improving psychic ability.
Stimulates flow of energy for healing blood circulation, stops hemorrhaging. Removes emotional blockages.
Stimulates openness and accelerates the awakening of the mind. An aid to the digestive system. Helps eliminate toxins. Encourages tremendous healing on the emotional and mental levels, helps un-block subconscious fears, and serves as a natural relaxant.
Balances physical energy and relaxs tensions. Carries the creative vibrations of the sea.
Promotes creativity, stimulates perception and insight, and strengthen memory. Beneficial effect on the eyes.
Balances hormones, good for mental depression, enhances self-esteem, alleviates bad dreams, and encourages success in business. Thought to assist in seeing into past incarnations.
Calming to the emotions. Worn as an amulet to confer strength and procure favorable legal judgments. In Egypt , used to reduce inflammation and treat hysteria. Considered to be a grounding stone. Helps maintain balance between body, mind, and spirit.
Spiritual protection.
Stimulates practicality, wisdom, and universal attunement. Thought to provide a link between the spiritual and the mundane. Most revered by the Chinese.
Opens and softens the way for the use of other stones. Excellent used in aquariums-provides needed minerals.
Lapis Lazuli
Stimulates wisdom, truthfulness, & psychic experiences, healing and strengthening when worn next to the skin. Strengthens mind and body to spiritual awareness.
Often used as a child’s talisman to sleep soundly & protect from bad dreams. Stimulates clear vision and insight, represents hope and inner peace, believed to protect from danger. Increases abundance in all areas of life.
Stimulates feminine qualities, used to focus attention, helps pull together mental and spiritual forces, peace of mind. Represents purity, modesty and gentleness.
Dispels fears, guilt, and depression. Used to counteract negative emotions and healing of the spirit. Affects top three chakras. Once worn as a means of gaining foresight and divine inspiration.
Increases vigor, renews vitality and cleanses the blood. The stone of courage.
Calms emotions, protects against external stresses. To restore physical energy and quiet emotional nature.
Tiger Eye
Very powerful protection, clarity of thought.
Causes the wearer to be more flexible, more understanding and more objective in purpose and reason. Calming. Each person has a different response to this stone. Causes a reaction in the intestinal tract. Black and Crystal-removes negativity and cleanses. Some say it should not be worn as jewelry. Electric and magnetic properties.
Vibrates calming radiation, protective, and restores healthy mental attitude. Stone of friendship. Balancing and healing. Great strength and vitality. Takes on characteristics of the wearer.
Purpose | Stone/crystal |
Beauty | Amber, Cat eye, Jasper, Opal |
Cleansing | Aquamarine, Salt |
Courage | Agate, Beryl, Aquamarine, Hematite, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger eye, Turquoise |
Dieting | Moonstone, Topaz |
Divination | Azurite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Tiger eye |
Dreams | Aquamarine, Azurite, Fluorite |
Eloquence | Carnelian, Sardonyx |
Friendship | Rosa tourmaline, Turquoise |
Gardening | Agate, Jade, Malachite, Brown Zircon |
Grounding | |Hematite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Salt, Black tourmaline |
Healing | Agate, Amber, Beryl, Bloodstone, Cat eye, Coral, Diamond, Garnet, Jade, Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Turquoise, Red Zircon |
Joy/happiness | Beryl, Yellow Zircon |
Love | Agate, Amber, Beryl, Aquamarine, Emerald, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moonstone, Olivine, Pearl , Sapphire, Topaz, Turquoise |
Longevity | Agate, Fossils, Jade |
Luck | Amber, Apache tear, Adventurine, Olivine, Opal, Pearl , Sardonyx, Tiger eye, Turquoise |
Magical powers | Bloodstone, Quartz crystal, Malachite, Opal, Ruby |
Meditation | Sapphire, Sodalite |
Mental powers | Adventurine, Emerald, Fluorite, Zircon |
Money, prosperity | Adventurine, Bloodstone, Calsite, Cat eye, Coal, Emerald, Jade, Mother-of-pearl, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Salt, Sapphire, Tiger eye, Topaz, Green Tourmaline, Brown/green/red Zircon |
Peace | Beryl, Aquamarine, Adventurine, Carnelian, Coral, Diamond, Lepidolite, Malachite, Obsidian, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Blue Tourmaline |
Physical energy | Aquamarine, Selenite, Sunstone, Tiger eye, Red Tourmaline, Red Zircon |
Physical strength | Agate, Amber, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Diamond, Garnet |
Protection | Agate, Amber, Apache tear, Calcite, Cat eye, Citrine, Coral, Quartz crystal, Diamond, Emerald, Flint , Fossils, Garnet, Jade, Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Lava, Malachite, Marble, Moonstone, Mother-of-Pearl, Obsidian, Onyx, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Salt, Sardonyx, Sunstone, Tiger eye, Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Red Tourmaline, Turquoise, Clear Zircon, Red Zircon |
Sexual energy | Carnelian, Sunstone, Yellow Zircon |
Spirituality | Calcite, Diamond, Sugilite |
Success | Amazonite, Marble |
Sleep | Moonstone, Peridot, Blue Tourmaline |
The God | Citrine, Malachite, Sunstone |
The Goddess | Moonstone |
Travel | Orange Zircon |
Wisdom | Coral, Jade, Sodalite, Sugilite |
Work success | Bloodstone/Hematite, Malachite, Green tourmaline, Yellow Zircon |