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The Werewolf – another creature from Folklore

The Werewolf – another creature from Folklore

Next on my list of myths and folklore is the Werewolf. So that’s what we’re diving into today. But we won’t be talking about the one in movies that much. I want to give you a summary of the folklore.

Enjoy your celebration!

Enjoy your celebration!

It’s Lammas/Lughnasadh or Imbolc on the other side – Have a lovely celebration whether you celebrate today, tomorrow, last night or later

The Hulder – Seductive Lady of Scandinavian Folklore

The Hulder – Seductive Lady of Scandinavian Folklore

Today, we’re taking a look at the hulder og skogsrå, a seductive lady of the forest that could be both helpful and dangerous. Scandinavians describe her slightly differently but I have no doubt it’s the same lady.

Do you want to be my guest on this blog?

Do you want to be my guest on this blog?

I would love to have you as a guest on the blog, writing about your life as a pagan, tips for pagans, or anything related to the content of The Witch’s Library.

May You Have a Merry Jul

May You Have a Merry Jul

By whatever name you call the holiday related to the solstice (I call it Jul), have an amazing time and a lovely celebration!

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