The Werewolf – another creature from Folklore
Next on my list of myths and folklore is the Werewolf. So that’s what we’re diving into today. But we won’t be talking about the one in movies that much. I want to give you a summary of the folklore.
Enjoy your celebration!
It’s Lammas/Lughnasadh or Imbolc on the other side – Have a lovely celebration whether you celebrate today, tomorrow, last night or later
Have a Wonderful Midsummer!
Solstice 2019 will be at 5:54 PM CEST on Friday, June 21. Have a wonderful celebration
The Hulder – Seductive Lady of Scandinavian Folklore
Today, we’re taking a look at the hulder og skogsrå, a seductive lady of the forest that could be both helpful and dangerous. Scandinavians describe her slightly differently but I have no doubt it’s the same lady.
The Draug – a Scary and Deadly Character From Norwegian Folklore
The Draug is a creature from Norwegian folklore, primarily in areas along the coast. He’s definitely not someone you’d want to meet.
Today’s the day to celebrate Spring
Have a lovely celebration, no matter what you call it 🙂
Vættr – the little people or wights of Scandinavian folklore
In Nordic folklore, you’ll find the wights in several varieties. Both wights related to farms, land and sea as well as forests. Learn more about who they are and what they do in this video
The Elves of Norse Mythology and Modern Folklore
Let’s dive into the subject of Elves. The ones from Norse Mythology are quite different from the cartoon and modern fairytale version.
Do you want to be my guest on this blog?
I would love to have you as a guest on the blog, writing about your life as a pagan, tips for pagans, or anything related to the content of The Witch’s Library.
May You Have a Merry Jul
By whatever name you call the holiday related to the solstice (I call it Jul), have an amazing time and a lovely celebration!
I’ve created some packages for you with Tarot, Rune and Cartomancy readings in them
To make it cheaper, easier and more convenient for you to get more than one reading (Tarot, runes or cartomancy) I’ve created some packages for you.
Have a wonderful Samhain/Halloween or whatever you call it
Have a lovely Samhain celebration ...or any of the holidays mentioned above If you don't celebrate anything at this time of year, have a lovely day anyway 🙂