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What are oils used for in magic?
Anointing — for healing, cleansing, blessing, banishing and empowering.
What can be anointed?
Nearly everything –candles, tools – even people when care is taken to make sure the oils used are nontoxic. To find out whether an oil is safe to use on skin, check the safety data tables.
![Oils Oils](https://lindaursin.net/library/files/2016/12/oils.png)
What kind of oils are used?
Pure essential oils and pure vegetable-based carrier oils are used for magical purposes. Synthetic oils, “Fragrance” oils, and all petroleum based oils should not be used in magical oil craft.
Essential oils are concentrated, pharmacologically active substances pressed or distillled from blossoms, leaves, bark, sap, resins, roots, and fruits of various plants and trees. The essence retains the magical correspondences associated with the source from which it was taken, and therein lies the clue to using oils magically. Pure essential oils vary dramatically in price. Some retail for over $500 for one ounce. They are measured in drop by drop proportions.
Carrier oils are mild, pure oils that are used to dilute and increase the amount of oil made from the concentrated essential oils. They are used to make oil blends cost less and last longer.
The most common and preferred carrier oils are Jojoba, Almond, Grapeseed, and Apricot Kernel oil. Jojoba oil is actually a liquid form of wax, and resists aging and oxidization better than any other carrier, but it is also one of the most expensive carriers. Both Almond and Apricot Kernel are high quality and relatively inexpensive. Use the table to match carrier oils to your purpose.
Because purchasing pure essential oils can be very costly for a beginner, I am recommending that you begin by purchasing high quality, fresh blended oils – that is, pure essential oils already diluted in high quality carrier oil. If you select single oils, one essence in one carrier oil, you can mix blended oils together with good magical results, experimenting inexpensively, and getting a good background in what works for you before investing a great deal of money. More later on where to get high quality blended oils.
Are essential oils safe to use?
Most essential oils are relatively safe, but many, because of their highly concentrated state are mildly toxic when undiluted, and some are highly toxic. I recommend the use of blended oils, at a dilution of no more than 4% essential oil to a base of pure vegetable-based carrier oil.
There are only a few commonly available oils which are still dangerously toxic at that dilution, including Common Sage, Pennyroyal, Camphor, Mugwort, Rue, Cinnamon, Cassia, and Wintergreen. These oils should never be used in blends that will be put on the skin.
For safety’s sake, never take essential oils, or magical oil blends, internally, never put any oils in or near mucous membranes (eyes, ears, nose, mouth etc.) and be cautious when putting oils on the skin. Consult the safety data table for all oils referred to in this FAQ.
How do you know what oils to use when making a blend for magical purposes?
Use any book on magical herbs to get correspondences for oils that do not appear in the recipe book Sources vary when recommending correspondences. Myrrh, for instance, is sometimes listed as Water and sometimes as Earth. It depends on what system or tradition you are using. Use whichever seems more appropriate for you, but try to be consistent to develop a personal style in your magical oil blending.
The recipe book and the Safe Oils Table contain information and a recommended list for building your oil collection from scratch. The starter oils have been chosen for versatility. Most magical needs can be addressed through their elemental correspondences, Patchouli for Prosperity (earth), Bergamot for Love (water) and so on. You can make two-oil blends for more specific uses – for instance, try combining Bergamot and Lavender.
You will want to increase and expand your collection, and as you do you’ll be able to become very creative with your blends. The oils listed are easy to obtain, relatively non-toxic, and all of the oils listed have aroma therapeutic properties.
Do the carrier oils have magical properties?
The most common oils used as carrier oils are considered to be multipurpose, although technically they certainly have some kind of correspondence derived from the source from which they are made. You can use any of the carriers listed in the carrier oil list for any magical purpose. Their correspondences will not interfere with your intended purposes.
Is it possible to make mistakes when blending oils?
It’s possible, but unlikely. The worst thing that could happen is a blend with an unusual odor! If you keep your blends simple at first, no more than 2 or three oils together, you are unlikely to create anything too awful.
There are commercially available perfumery guidelines to help with blending pleasant scents, but you will have to use them with a table of correspondences or formulary in the other hand to make sure your oils correspond to the correct essence for your desired intent.
What else can you add to oils for magical purposes?
You can add crystals, stones, and herbs to oil blends to give them additional influences and energies. As long as the object will fit through the neck of the oil bottle and is non-toxic, you can add nearly anything you like.
Some suggestions:
- A crystal to add extra power to a stock bottle of oil. (Make sure the crystal is completely clean before adding it to the stock.)
- Flower blossoms in love oils.
- Small pieces of dried fruit in prosperity oils.
- Seeds in fertility blends.
- Galangal root (Low John) and High John the Conqueror root can be added to any blend to increase it’s potency and power.
What makes an oil blend magical?
An oil blend is just an oil blend unless it has been charged. Charging is the name for the process by which objects are consecrated to magical use and empowered with magical intent. This is usually done in circle, in a ritual manner, or through a spell.
How to charge your oil blend:
There are many different ways to charge and empower magical mixtures. The following is a simple step-by-step procedure that can be used to charge almost anything:
1) Take three deep breaths, and calm and center yourself. You and your energy are the primary component in the charging process.
2) Hold the container of oil between both hands. Raise it and clasp it to the center of your chest.
3) See in your mind’s eye a symbol of the purpose for which the blend was made. For example: if it is a Goddess oil, you may bring up an image of the Lady. If you cannot think of a specific image, just see bright light from the Sun, the Earth, the Sea, the Moon or another great Earthly or Celestial power.
4) Begin to gather energy from the earth, breathing and drawing it up into your chest, and sending it through one or both hands into the container of oil.
5) See the image you have created coming from a long distance away, growing larger and larger, finally coming straight to you, and going into the container of oil.
6) As the image goes into the container, send all the rest of the energy through your hand or hands into the oil, and repeat the following incantation or a similar spell:
“By the Power of the Lady and Lord,
I consecrate this oil for magical use,
and empower it to: (state purpose of oil)
By the power of three times three,
To cause no harm nor return on me.
This oil be a tool for my magic.
So Mote It Be!”
7) Ground all unused energies after this operation. The oil is now magical and should be handled carefully and with respect.
Can you tell if an oil is charged?
Yes. I use a pendulum to check oils. I have noticed that if an oil blend goes rancid, it will “lose” it’s charge as the volatile components are destroyed by oxidation. Check the freshness of your oil blends on a regular basis. You cannot “recharge” an oil that has gone rancid, but you can use fresh, strongly charged oils to “recharge” most other tools between ritual cleansings and reconsecrations.
How do you properly anoint tools and people?
You do not need to use a lot of oil when anointing. Take a small amount on your fingers. It should not be enough to drip. Keep in mind that carrier oils can stain and spot fabric and leather. Gently touch the person or thing that you are anointing and say a blessing or a consecration:
“The Lord and Lady bless you.”
“This Thing be now Hallowed”
“By Her Will we are made Whole”
See in your mind’s eye the energy of the oil going into the person or thing.
What body parts are safe for anointing people?
Generally the forehead between the eyes. — and not so much oil that it drips. Some people like to make a solar cross (Forehead, Chest, Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder) or a pentagram (Forehead, Right Hip, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder, Left Hip, Forehead.).
Other people anoint the tops of the feet, the backs of hands, the knees, the shoulders… main rule is not any mucous membrane or any body part that would make someone uncomfortable. At times, oil is used to anoint the Five-Fold Blessing. Keep in mind that oil can stain fabric and some leathers, and be light with your touch.
Remember also that not all oils are safe to use on the skin. Check the toxicity chart if you have any questions, and never apply essential oils to the skin neat (undiluted)
How are tools anointed?
Lightly anoint the flat of the blade of the Athame. Anoint the back of most decorative pentacles. Anoint both tips of Wands and Staves, if oil is not rubbed lightly down the length.
The general rules are:
1) Where the oil will not make use of the object dangerous (not on handles, not on floors, not in cups that may be used for beverages)
2) Not where the oil will stain or damage the person or object: not in the middle of robes, not on the lips, not on anything plastic.
How to anoint candles
Make sure the candle is clean and the wick is trimmed.
Method one: Dab oil on to the middle of the candle and work it out to the ends, “pulling” the oil from the center out to the ends, and turning the candle in your hands as you go..
Method two: Dab oil on to the top, and work it down to the bottom
Method three: Pour a small amount of oil into the top of a glass encased pillar candle.
Method four: Anoint a large un-encased pillar candle much as you would a person, by drawing a solar cross, a pentacle or some other symbol on the side with the oil. Then charge the candle using the method outlined above.