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Divination Scarabs

The scarab beetle has been sacred in Egypt since predynastic times. It was thought of as a symbol of solar energies since the beetles took flight in the hottest part of the day when the sun was strongest.


Craft clay which dries hard, or can be baked hard. 1 teaspoon of fine sand or salt. The sand or salt gives a slightly rougher texture and the crystal substances allow the object to take and hold a “charge” better than mere dough or clay alone.


Add a little sand or salt at a time until the mixture feels slightly grainy. It should not be so dry that it crumbles. The new plastic-based clays such as Fimo or Sculpey also work, but the texture is smoother and less like the ancient clay. Do not add salt or sand if you are using these clays. If you prefer, you can use flour mixed with water and a little salt to form a clay-like paste. Do not use self-rising flour, or your scarabs will turn out unexpectedly large.

To form a scarab, take a piece of dough or clay about the size of your thumb tip. Form this into an oval or egg shape and gently press it down on a flat surface, so that the bottom is flattened, but the top of the scarab is still rounded.

Using a pen, knife, or toothpick, inscribe the back of the scarab with a “T” to indicate the separation of the head and the wing case. You can make them highly stylised with more detail, or leave them simple. Turning the scarab over, inscribe the flat bottom with a symbol or hieroglyphs or draw it on after baking with a permanent marker. You can also draw the symbols on paper and then cut them out and glue them to the flat side of the scarabs.

To house your divination scarabs, you can make a round, two-piece clay bowl to contain them. Depending on the size of your scarabs, make a small bowl. Set your scarabs inside, to make sure the bowl is big enough to contain them. Adjust the size if necessary. Make a second bowl to match the size of the first one. Set this bowl, inverted, on top of the first one and smooth the edges for a good match between the halves. Separate the halves, remove your scarabs, and bake or dry the clay according to the type of material you are using. When the bowl is hard, it can be decorated or painted.


Spiritual unfoldment, love, beauty, peaceful resolution of difficulties. A good time to meditate and study.

Dangerous or difficult-to-control forces. Unexpected mishaps or accidents. Sudden change.

Palm tree
The sacred palm oasis of Osiris offered sanctuary, rest, and cool water to inhabitants and travellers in the desert. Denotes travel, free time, and prosperity.

The throne headdress of Isis indicates that positive situations are likely to continue; negative situations are likely to improve and stabilise.

This scarab speaks of initiation and of non-physical concerns. Issues are still unresolved, unknowable, or not yet appropriate to be revealed.

Seshat is the goddess of writing and measuring. Take action before an opportunity is lost, and be certain that a new endeavour rests on a solid foundation.

The ibis-headed god Tahuti represents wisdom and discernment. The reader should seek more information, strive to act wisely, and find imaginative answers to problems.

Cat goddess of joy, the Bastet scarab indicates pleasure, romance, and increased self-confidence will manifest soon.

The ankh is the foremost symbol of life. In addition, the ankh is also a transmitter of force and power. Its presence is positive in virtually all circumstances.

The high pylon gates leading to the temples of Egypt announced the beginning of sacred space. The reader may be in a period of “temple service”, where spiritual duties must be performed.

The river Nile is the guiding thread of Egyptian culture, bringing life in all its forms to what would otherwise be barren. Look for less active solutions to problems. Wait for events to unfold.

The scarab of Nepthys indicates darker sexuality, desperate actions, and strife in marriage and other relationships. Nepthys can also indicate a person whose motives are unclear or potentially harmful.

The starry sky of Nut
Nut is a primal goddess, whose body is the star-flecked sky. Her nature is cosmic and her presence in a reading indicates that there are great matters at hand, possibly out of ordinary human control.

The sistrum is a symbol of Isis-Hathor, goddess of love and pleasure. The presence of this scarab exhorts you to take action, break free and embrace joy.

Horus is a complex, hawk-headed god form embracing many aspects. His scarab indicates eventual, but hard-won, triumph. As Horus the child, he represents concerns relating to children.

The solar barque of Ra
The solar barque symbolises the powerful, usually benevolent energy of the sun. As a vessel, the barque indicates travel.

The Ushabti figurines were small images placed in tombs to “answer” for the dead if they were called upon to work. The Ushabti scarab indicates unexpected or unwarranted help.

The pyramids represent aspiration and the slow passage of time. This scarab can indicate the need to look at the past for answers.

The union of Isis and Osiris
This scarab is sacred love in all its’ forms and creative power at its most primal. It indicates a positive resolution of two opposites.

Anpu (The dog’s head of Anubis)
Anpu, or Anubis, the great Guide, not only of the dead, but also of the astral projecting, dreaming, and those on the threshold of initiation. The jackal indicates new knowledge and a strong protective force.

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