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Cartomancy Reading

Do you have a decision that’s difficult to make? Here’s an opportunity to make it a little easier to make the right choice.

If there’s anything in your life right now where you’re struggling to make a decision.

If there’s anything where you need more information to make a clear and heart-centered choice.

Get a reading now at $37

Just click the button

Cartomancy is one of the oldest of the more common forms of divination where I use a regular deck of playing cards in a similar way to Tarot.

I have over 20 years of experience in doing readings, and if you’d like to read what some previous clients have said, you can do so here:

A Fast Clarity Cartomancy Reading can support you in

  • Deciding which option to choose
  • Deciding what to do first
  • Figuring out what changes you need to make
  • Deciding whether you should do something or not
  • Finding out why something isn’t going as planned
  • Getting an idea of the outcome of a choice

An email reading gives you several things you don’t get with a live reading:

  • You get it in writing, so you have it for later reference (it’s easier to go back and check)
  • You can take as much time as you want to read it and digest the information
  • We don’t have to negotiate to find a time to meet
  • The difference in time zones doesn’t matter
  • That we’re in different countries doesn’t matter

Is it as good as a live reading?

I believe it is as useful and as accurate as a face to face reading. I’ve done many of these, and the results of the readings I’ve done via email has been just as good. I feel I get just a good a connection as if I’m face to face with the client.

How your Fast Clarity Cartomancy reading will be done and delivered

  1. You will have a box during the purchase process where you can explain what you want the reading to be about. Fill that out.
  2. I will sit down and pull cards for you while focusing on your question, and then send you a detailed written description of the results. You can expect to get your reading results within 24 hours of your purchase.
  3. If you have any additional questions after I send you the results, I welcome a short email exchange to ensure you are clear about the information I’ve uncovered.

NOTE! I do not read on the following subjects:

  • Death
  • Divorce
  • Disaster
  • Love

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Cartomancy Reading
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