Traditional Besom (Witches Broom)
Crafts | Soap Making | Candle Making | Dyeing | Alumnic Clay | Braiding
Torches | Citrus Delight Potpourri | Copper Wand | Divination Scarabs | Dream Catcher
Dream Pillow | Pendulum | Play Doh | Rose Petal Beads | Salt Dough | Scrying Mirror
Traditional Besom | Yule Log | Yule Sachet
The besom is used as a wand to focus and direct energy, to sweep areas clean of negativity, to ground a finished circle, to protect the hearth, and for kitchen magic. Two crossed brooms were used in medieval Ireland to prevent negativity from entering homes through the fireplace or front door.
NEXT . . . Lay the broomcorn or straw up against the bottom shaft of the stick. Cut straw approximately 4 to 6 inches longer than desired finished length.
NEXT . . . Approximately 2 inches above the end, tie twine tightly around straw and broom handle. You may wish to apply some craft glue to the lower 2 inches to help secure loose straw ends.
AND THEN . . . Bend the straws backwards over the tie. Secure with twine close to where the broom handle sticks out.
Besoms are great gifts for home decoration, magical protection, or both.