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It is important that you know your expression number’s explanation and analysis. But first, you need to calculate it. Bear in mind that this number depends on the letters of your complete birth name.

Then, you add the numbers of your first name so you can reduce them to one single digit. Do the same thing with your middle and last name (at birth). After you have one single digit for each name, you can now add all these digits together. Continue adding until you are able to reduce them to a single-digit number.

Letter Values: 

1 – AJS 4 – DMV 7 – GPY
2 – BKT 5 – ENW 8 – HQZ
3 – CLU 6 – FOX 9 – IR

Sample Calculation for John Smith:

John: 1+6+8+5 = 4
Smith: 1+4+9+2+8 = 4
Expression number: 4+4 = 8


You now have your expression number. Just remember that if you get 11, 22, or 33 at any given point, don’t reduce them any further. For these are Master Numbers. More explanations can be found below.

Expression No. 1

This says a lot about your amazing leadership skills and resourcefulness. You don’t just sit around waiting for great opportunities to come knocking on your door- you create them! Not just for you but for others as well. You pave the way so that others who follow will have a smoother path.

However, you are at your best when you are alone. Be careful though, as others may see this as arrogance and self-centeredness. Also, learn to listen more and talk less.

Expression No. 2

You are known as a people person, a great team player. Others love working with you because you make them feel important. No idea is too small or insignificant. You believe that big things come in the guise of small packages.

However, self-doubt still finds you from time to time. Just try your best and do not let your emotions cloud your judgment.

Expression No. 3

Expression number 3 makes you extremely talented in verbal and written communication. Use this to your advantage because your words are powerful enough to inspire, motivate, educate and inform people around you.

However, you still lack focus. You are easily distracted by things, persons, and events in accomplishing your goals. Don’t let these derail your plans for the future. When you feel your mind wandering for a bit too long, snap out of it and get back to work.

Expression No. 4

People appreciate you for your humility and hard work. When you are assigned a task or project and time is of the essence, you always deliver. But just like everyone else, you also have your kryptonite.

In this case, it’s your brutal honesty and loyalty. You tend to ignore a lot of red flags from people you love and care about. Even if you know the truth you are stubborn to the core. Ready to defend and rationalize all the bad things they do to you.

Expression No. 5

Your zest and zeal for life are beyond measure. From the moment you wake up, you’re buzzing around making plans for things to discover, hobbies to pursue, places to travel.

The problem is your attention span is worse than a three-year-old’s. This can take a toll, especially in your career. Work on this because the last thing you want is to be branded as unreliable and unprofessional.

Expression No. 6

This expression number reveals a lot about how fiercely protective and caring you are towards other people. As far as your family and closest friends are concerned, no harm can come to them as long as you are around. And they know this, for sure.

This all sounds great and noble. But learn to know your limits because everyone has a breaking point. You cannot pour from an empty cup so learn to set boundaries.

Expression No. 7

You want the truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth. Logic is what drives you. If something is off, you know right off the bat.

Still, you cannot believe that there is only black and white all the time. Understand that there are also gray areas. This is part of being human. Learn to hold your horses and listen to all sides of a story.

Expression No. 8

You’re one lucky soul if you have this expression number! These people have great business acumen and have an eye for detail. They are also great planners and know how to handle money and investments really well.

This is why you need trusted people who have no vested interest in you. Who are not afraid to call you out when you’re stepping out of line or going in the opposite direction. Remember, you can lose material wealth and success in the blink of an eye.

Expression No. 9

Altruism is part of your core identity. You always see the good in others and encourage everyone to do the same. Never lacking in compassion, you are always ready to lend a helping hand.

Then again, be careful not to put your nose on other people’s business. Never meddle in personal matters so you save yourself a ton of headache.

Expression No. 11

This first Master Number grants you the gift of vision and intuition combined. You are a forward thinker. Unlike some people who could only focus on the here and now, you see the future and the changes needed in order to adapt.

Others look to you for wisdom, support, and encouragement. However, you lack the organized and disciplined thinking to achieve your goals. Tweak this a bit and you’re all set!

Expression No. 22

If you’re dabbling with numerology for quite some time, you may be aware that this Master Number is also known as the “Master Builder”. You know exactly what you are doing and work in a timely manner.

But with the desire to do things perfectly and on time, you sometimes tend to become overbearing and domineering. This might drive people away. For instance, you may become overly masculine without knowing it. Try and figure out how to strike a perfect balance. Great leaders get the job done without breathing down people’s necks all the time.

Expression No. 33

Last but definitely not the least is Master Number 33. You have a brilliant mind paired with a beautiful heart. Just your mere presence gives people hope and a feeling of being uplifted.

You never turn anybody down. No one leaves your home empty-handed. Everybody feels loved and important. Sometimes you feel like you carry the world on your shoulders. But that’s just because you’re helping them get on their feet.


Maria Hayes is an Astrologer and Author. With 38 years of astrology and fortune-telling experience, I helped thousands of clients over the world to change their lives thanks to my gift. I’m on a mission to change the world, one person at a time using astrology and tarot reading.

Maria Hayes - Astrologer and Author


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