Dream Interpretation
Cartomancy | Tarot | Runes | Scrying | Pendulum
Tea Leaves | Coffee Grounds | Dream Interpretation
Airplane | Spiritual awakening |
Alien | Part of self ignored or rejected |
Angel | Important message from spirit, listen carefully |
Animal | Instinctive part of self. Characteristics of animal |
Boat | Emotional |
Boss | Critic within. Can be helpful or destructive. Nature of relationship with own boss |
Bus | Many facets of self; great potential for personal growth |
Car | Self in life journey |
Cat | Feminine part of self; playful, independent |
Cow | Nurturing, sustenance |
Deer | Gentle, innocent. Failure to awaken strength, inner protection |
Dog | Masculine part of self. Loyalty. If vicious, need to redirect positively |
Elephant | Powerful part of self. Gentle, helpful. Can be destructive if angry |
Fish | Need for meditation |
Horse | Freedom, power, sexual energy |
Lion | Strength, power. Anger in self, fear of aggression |
Rat | Betrayal of self. Gossip, judging others |
Apple | Health, knowledge, wisdom |
Baby | New birth within self, new beginning |
Baggage | Unnecessary or excess clutter |
Ball | Wholeness, integration of conscious and unconscious |
Bar | Need for self-acceptance, irresponsibility |
Beach | Where conscious and unconscious meet |
Bird | Spiritual freedom |
Blood | Life force, energy |
Boat | Emotional self |
Body | Expression of self on earth, external form of internal nature |
Bug | Small annoyances |
Burglar | Something is robbing self of energy |
Car | You in daily physical life. Who is driving is in control. Going uphill, going right way; down hill, wrong way. |
Cave | Unconscious |
Children | Aspects of yourself; vulnerability, innocence, openness |
Christ | Heart center, love within |
Circus | Revisiting childlike pleasures |
City | Need for communication, cooperation with others, other parts of self |
Climbing | If upward, going right way; if down, going wrong way |
Coat | Protection or hiding self from others, covering up |
Color | Harmony in energy field |
Corpse | Part of self no longer necessary |
Criminal | Cheating, limiting self |
Crown | Good job! Praise |
Dance | Dancing around a problem; joy, happiness |
Death | Making way for new beginnings |
Devil | Lower, ignorant side of self |
Doctor | Inner healer, spiritual guidance |
Doll | Playing a role in life |
Eat | Nourishment needed. May be emotional, physical, mental, etc. |
Faces | If unknown, unknown part of self; face up to situation |
Falling | Loss of control in situation, low energy |
Fence | Obstacle to growth that needs to be overcome |
Fire | Life force, spiritual power |
Flood | Overwhelming emotions |
Flower | good growth, beauty, fulfilllment |
Flying | Free from physical limitations; spiritual journey |
Fog | Unable to see clearly |
Friend | Quality you see is projected from own self |
Gate | Opportunity , new possibility |
Gift | Initiation, job well done |
God | Higher self, love, light, truth, wisdom, creative power. All encompassing love |
Helicopter | Spiritual growth vehicle |
Hiding | Fear of facing parts of self, situations |
Hill | Opportunity for spiritual growth |
House | The self. Different rooms or areas represent parts of self. |
Ice | Frozen emotions, feelings, blocked from giving, receiving |
Island | Refuge, desire to run away |
Jail | Self-imposed barriers |
Journey | Exploration of self |
Key | Ability within self to open door to truth; wisdom |
Kill | Destroying parts of self |
King | Power, wealth of knowledge, awareness of self worth |
Kiss | Affection, warmth, communication |
Knife | Cutting away parts of self |
Letter | News, information, teaching |
Light | Wisdom, higher power. Ability to see and understand |
Lock | Closed off |
Lover | Integration of feminine, masculine. Desire for warmth, nurturing, connection |
Machine | Extension, utilization of natural power |
Map | Path you chose to follow |
Marriage | Bringing together ideas, people, aspects of self |
Mask | Different roles you play, faces worn. Hiding self, dishonesty |
Maze | Confusion, feeling lost. Always of own making. |
Meadow | Place of rest, relaxation and safety |
Mirror | Self meeting self; could mean being critical, need to examine self instead of others |
Money | Changes coming into your life |
Monster | Fears of your own making |
Moon | Security, inner peace, romance, love, creativity, inspiration, intuition |
Music | Healing, creative flow of life |
Nightmare | Nightmares are teaching dreams. Higher self trying to get your attention. Symbols aren’t frightening, just a way for you to remember |
Numbers | Each number has a spiritual meaning, special message. Add double-digit numbers together to achieve single digit |
Nun | Teacher, spiritual qualities within self |
Ocean | Enormous emotional energy |
Orgasm | If reach orgasm in dream, may indicate need to release sexual energy |
Package | If sent to someone, giving away part of self; if received, getting in touch with unknown part of self |
Party | Celebration of growth achieved |
Passenger | Not in control of your direction, going along for the ride |
Path | Direction in life. Going up is right direction, down is wrong |
Penis | Power, aggression, impregnating with ideas |
People | Many different aspects of self. Rarely represents actual person. |
Postman | Message or dream is coming |
Queen | Guidance, leadership, powerful feminine qualities emerging |
Rain | Cleansing in preparation for emotional growth |
Rape | Losing energy. Allowing someone to sap energy, strength |
Relative | Feminine or masculine qualities and aspects of that individual you identify with. Rarely represents actual person, only aspects of self. |
Restaurant | Many options for sustenance, nurturing. Need for fellowship |
Right | Right side of anything is giving, creativity, intuition. If turning right, going in right direction |
River | Flow of your own life |
Road | Direction in life. If paved, smooth going; condition of road is how you are creating your life now. Going up hill, right direction; down, wrong; up and down, reacting to things, not making progress. If come to a fork in road, about to face major decision |
Run | Running away, not ready to face or deal with situation. To gain insight, turn and face pursuer. Facing a fear dissolves it. Running towards something, eager to begin new growth. |
School | Life is school. Lessons never change until you learn them |
Scissors | Cut out what is not beneficial |
Seed | New beginning, potential |
Self | Past or present life roles. All people in a dream are aspects of the self |
Sex | Merging of energies. When having sex with particular person, blending of that person’s energies, qualities with self. |
Skeleton | Emptiness, spiritual deadness. Not in touch with feelings, emotions |
Snake | Life force. Central higher self energy |
Spouse | Female or male part of self. Qualities you project on spouse. Nature of relationship with own spouse |
Soap | Clean up your act |
Stairs | Direction in life. Condition, direction you are going. If up, right direction; down, wrong |
Store | Great inner resources, opportunities |
Stranger | Aspect of self not familiar with yet |
Suicide | Killing off aspects of self, creativity. Giving up, not facing problem |
Swim | Learning emotional lessons |
Telephone | If making call, asking for help, understanding. Receiving, message from higher self |
Tree | Symbol of individual growth, development. Notice condition, health. How deep are the roots? Is the tree healthy? Are there leaves? |
Tunnel | Passageway through levels of consciousness |
Vagina | Receptivity, openness, growth, creative force |
Vampire | Sucking energy from others or having energy drained |
Vehicle | You. |
Wall | Blockage, obstacle |
Wallet | Identity |
Water | Emotional energy |
Weapon | Misuse of energy |
Wheel | Eternal circle, self meeting self |
Window | Seeing beyond current situation |
Witch | Part of self needing change |
Zipper | Closing or opening something |