Rose Petal Beads
Crafts | Soap Making | Candle Making | Dyeing | Alumnic Clay | Braiding
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Dream Pillow | Pendulum | Play Doh | Rose Petal Beads | Salt Dough | Scrying Mirror
1/3 cup wheat flour
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp water
3 cups Rose petals
Round toothpicks
Mix flour, salt and water to make a stiff dough. Cut the Rose petals into tiny pieces, and then crush them by rolling them between your palms. Mix as many Rose petals into your dough as possible without making it crumbly. Shape small amounts of dough into beads.
Push round toothpicks through the centre of each to make holes. If desired, scratch designs into the rose petal beads. Allow to dry a few days; remove the toothpicks before the dough gets too hard. Makes enough for one necklace. Rosaries are actually called this because they originally were made from rose petal beads.