The Art Witch Blog

I’m a mythical artist, photographer, designer, intuitive and all-around creative based in the Norwegian mountains and this is my blog.

This is where I share my creative expression and do my best to inspire, empower, share tips and information, and give the occasional kick in the butt so you can have a more fulfilling life. You’ll also find a lot of art, some behind the scenes and works in progress, as well as some strong opinions, and a swear word or two. If you enjoy the posts, please share them.

“Coloring outside the lines is a fine art.”
– Kim Nance
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God Jul – Have a Lovely Holiday

God Jul – Have a Lovely Holiday

Have an amazing Winter Solstice, Yule, Jul, Christmas, Kwanza or whatever name you use for the holiday at this time of year (I know Hanukkah already passed).

End of Year Art Sale!

End of Year Art Sale!

As I’ve mentioned on my personal Facebook profile (in case you’ve seen it) I will be lowering the price of a couple of the older artworks until the end of the year.

Pesta – A painting of the Plague

Pesta – A painting of the Plague

To get back at the pandemic, I’ve chosen to start my Creatures of Folklore series of paintings with Pesta. In English, I’ve seen her called the Plague Maiden.

Getting myself back into making art (not a resolution)

Getting myself back into making art (not a resolution)

Now, most people are back in the groove after New Year’s but not me. So I’ve set a goal for myself to get back into making art. Now, this is not a New Year’s resolution, I don’t do those. It’s a plan 🙂

Have a great Winter Holiday despite the plague

Have a great Winter Holiday despite the plague

There are many different names for the midwinter celebration and many different dates. Whatever you call it, have a good one (despite Covid) but make sure you and yours are safe and well.

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This blog is the creative expression of Linda Ursin – Art Witch, a multifaceted artist, photographer, designer based in the Norwegian mountains

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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
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I got an idea for an art video series from Minecraft
God Jul – Have a Lovely Holiday
End of Year Art Sale!
Pesta – A painting of the Plague
Getting myself back into making art (not a resolution)
Have a great Winter Holiday despite the plague
Summer Art, some Crafts and an Update about the blog
Finally brought the paints out and did a watercolor painting
Creativity Tips: 10 Ways to Instantly Stimulate Your Creative Juices
5 Essential Self-Care Tips for Artists and Creatives
Gratulerer med dagen! Happy Constitution Day Norway!
Ways to Awaken Your Creativity among Natural Surroundings
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