Osteoarthritis: Tingling Shoulder

Osteoarthritis: Tingling Shoulder

I almost didn’t get any sleep at all last night. I started having that strange sensation of tingling in my shoulder (which forces me to move it) in the AM, and it hadn’t stopped by the time I went to bed. It kept me awake at least until 1 AM, and I woke up...
Osteoarthritis: Grumbling about the Nurse

Osteoarthritis: Grumbling about the Nurse

Rant warning! I have nothing against nurses in general, just this specific nurse… That damn secretary at the doctor’s office has pissed me off for the last time! Every damn time I call them to get a cab to the doctor’s office, she refuses. This time...
A story from the Chiropractor’s office

A story from the Chiropractor’s office

I was a tiny bit ‘naughty’ when I was at the Chiropractor’s office today. While I was waiting for him to get to me, I was listening to the radio they had there. This was a ‘public’ radio which was used for the entire office. The guy on...
Osteoarthritis: The last events

Osteoarthritis: The last events

Want to see what a life with osteoarthritis, chronic pain, and other chronic problems looks like? Here’s a peek. I had a doctor’s appointment on the 19th where I had a ‘mile long’ list of things to discuss with my doctor. – I think I have...
Apples and cars

Apples and cars

We harvested the apples on Sunday. Afterwards, I sorted them into three categories: Good: Almost spotless, suitable for eating. Medium: Some spots and blemishes, suitable for cooking, baking and brewing. Not so good: Quite a few spots and blemishes, suitable for...

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