What to sow in the witchy garden this year

What to sow in the witchy garden this year

My own witchy garden that is 🙂 but it might give you some ideas for yours. I’ve decided to share my plans this year, as I have before because I know there are a lot of gardeners and witches looking for ideas. I’m sharing what I do here on the blog, but...
Herb hunt today and you can win a new prosperity amulet

Herb hunt today and you can win a new prosperity amulet

It’s been a long time since I ran a competition on this blog so it’s about time. I’m going to have you hunt for information inside one of The Witch in the Valley Podcast episodes. Find the herb that can bring you money, but also make you more...
Keep bugs off you with these essential oils

Keep bugs off you with these essential oils

My dear friend Rachel, who lives in Florida where summer is well underway, asked me to write this post. Well, she asked me to send her a list of some natural insect repellents, and I thought it would make a good blog post. Since I’m pretty sure you don’t...
A peek at the witch’s garden in May

A peek at the witch’s garden in May

Things are happening fast in the witch’s garden this month. Everything’s growing like crazy. So I wanted to show you a few of the pictures I’ve taken so far this month. I’ll be making a garden tour video soon, with more of the plants I have,...
What do you think of weeds?

What do you think of weeds?

Do you hate weeds? Don’t mind them? Love them? If you have a garden or grow plants in containers, I bet you have an opinion. I can’t say I love where they grow all the time, but I do think a lot of people forget that weeds have just as much value as any...
I’m publishing two books in March

I’m publishing two books in March

In March, I plan to be publishing the two books I have written, and I want to tell you a little bit about them. Not to get you to buy them, but to let you know they exist if they’re something you’re interested in. Get Back to You – Get Back to...

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