It’s been a long time since I ran a competition on this blog so it’s about time. I’m going to have you hunt for information inside one of The Witch in the Valley Podcast episodes.
Find the herb that can bring you money, but also make you more attractive.
Very useful properties for anyone running a business, if I may say so myself 🙂
The information you need is inside the sound file. Leave me a comment with your answer on this post before September 14, 2015, and your name is in the drawing. I only need the common name for the herb, you don’t need to provide the latin name.
The Prize
3 winners will receive a handmade prosperity amulet, but not any prosperity amulet. This will be the first amulets in my new product line. The ones nobody has seen yet. I’ll choose 3 names from the comments as the winners and announce them on the blog on the 14th.
If nobody has found the answer before the 9th, I’ll post a clue on the witchy facebook page.
Hint 1: There once was a band by that name
Hint 2: It’s a flower
Linda what a wonderful opportunity- I would love a prosperity amulet, looks like mint, now to listen to see if I am correct
Thanks Suzie 🙂 It’s not mint. I haven’t spoken about that one on the podcast yet
Sounds like a wonderful opportunity Linda. Sadly I’m up to my eyeballs in deadlines this weekend so no time for a hunt, but I’ll gladly share your article so someone else can have a chance to win!
Thanks Marquita. I know what it’s like to be up to your eyeballs. Make sure you take a break now and then.
Hi Linda – Fun idea! It looks like that herb used in sushi – shiso – so delicious.
If they use this one in Sushi, I’ll be surprised 😀 Thanks Reba
Rue is the herb. When I had space to garden, Mugwort grew best for me. I’ve read that it’s used in cooking, as well. Have you ever tried it?
It’s not Rue this time 🙂 It may have some of the same properties, but I had a different herb in mind this time. It is, but I haven’t tried it. Rue bitter and I don’t particularly enjoy bitter flavors (like dark chocolate or coffee). Plus it can cause gastric discomfort. I haven’t tried Mugwort in food either. It grows wild nearby, but I’ve mostly used it in herb magic.
Second thought is ‘vervain’.
Sorry to say it, but no. Check the two hints at the bottom of the post. They might help.