I hope you don’t feel as if I’ve neglected this blog because that was never my intention. There are just so many things going on right now, that I haven’t had the energy to write more than I had to. I’ve been putting up the Sassy Girl site and...
In response to worldwide controversial subjects. From same-sex marriage, abortion, gun violence, animal massacres, blood diamonds, religion, and most of all WAR. One must live their life and allow others to live theirs. No matter who they are, their way of life, or...
Art impacts every area of our lives. From Television to popular magazines to billboards. We never forget anything we see. It files away in the Rolodex of our brain, but the impact is made from the moment we see it. For good or bad we are affected. The impact may be...
For those of you who just got your diagnosis, this might seem nuts, but for those of you who have lived with chronic illness for some time, I hope it makes sense. Having a chronic illness is not mean the end! You don’t have to stop doing everything you love....
Hi, I’m Harzgeist from Mists of Manannán, and I’m following a more or less reconstructionist path that includes both Celtic and Norse elements. I’d like to share with you one of the poems I wrote about Odin, Who I’ve been drawn to for a long time. This poem was...
Yes, I said swear, as in curse! Swearing can be very useful It can be a quick way to release feelings others might bottle up. It can actually help you endure pain Some say intelligent people are more likely to swear And some research shows we actually have a larger...