Yes, I said swear, as in curse!
Swearing can be very useful
- It can be a quick way to release feelings others might bottle up.
- It can actually help you endure pain
- Some say intelligent people are more likely to swear
- And some research shows we actually have a larger vocabulary

So to sum it up: People who swear don’t do so because they don’t have the right words in their vocabulary, we’re not less intelligent and swearing does have its benefits 🙂
I could never stop myself from cursing completely, it’s part of who I am. Some people say the Norwegians up North swear an awful lot. But when I was learning Norwegian, I had to reduce my swearing because it didn’t fit into the language the same way as in Swedish.
I even did a blog post on non-Christian swearing and insults.
How do you feel about swearing or cursing? Do you swear?
Oh, and if you’re wondering why I’m posting daily again, it’s because I’ve joined the Ultimate Blog Challenge, hosted by Michelle Schaeffer and Michele Scism for the third time. This is post number 11.
Just like you I swear “naturally”, not lots and lots, but if something happens, a “oh f*ck it!” will escape me, and then it’s released and that’s that. I actually find it healthy as long as it isn’t overdone 🙂
I’ve found that my sweraing has decreased a lot since Lilith can along. I’m trying not to teach her all of mine 😀 Back when I lived in Sweden I might swear twice in the same scentence.
I swear very little. It was a challenge I made to myself some years ago because I had SUCH a potty mouth. I decided that if I was a writer, I could come up with better swears than “f you” or “a-hole”. 😀
I don’t use swearing to replace words I don’t have 🙂 I use them to add emphasis to the scentence. I don’t use “fuck” as a swear word, probably because English is my second language. We do have several different versions of asshole here though 😀
LOL. I like the versions of a-hole. 😀
😀 If you have any word to add, that would be great. Most of the ones I have are from Swedish, Norwegian or Icelandic.
I work alone so I tend to swear out loud at myself when I screw up. I don’t have a problem with anyone swearing, as long as it’s not AT me.
I do that too 🙂 I don’t’ think anyone approves at being cursed at.
I was raised by parents who did not tolerate swearing! As an adult, its still challenging for me now! I even lost out on a legal job when they asked me during the interview how I felt about swearing.
I’m sorry to hear you lost out on that job. It shouldn’t be like that. We should be able to be accepted with the values we have.
As one with something of a potty-mouth, I’ve struggled with this one.
Back when I was a high school teacher, I was working my old Apple //e and muttering, I thought, under my breath. One of my students asked, “Can we cuss in class too?”
So I thought…..finally I said, “Yes, but only when you are talking to the computer. Never to each other and never to me.”
My daughter claims that my last computer was cursed to death. So I’m mitigating my language.
😀 I’ve probably cursed a couple of servers to within an inch of death as well. I could never be a teacher though; no patience and speak before I think a bit too often
My parents didn’t allow any swearing, yet I heard them swear all the time. In college I became quite the potty mouth, and I guess I still am, but I try to be really aware of my surroundings to make sure their are no kids around!
The situation in my home was similar. Mom tried to tell us not to, and I just said “but you do”. I’ve become more careful with age, muttering or changing the words when kids are around.