5 Playtime Activities

5 Playtime Activities

Yesterday I told you to schedule some playtime. Today I thought I’d give you some suggestions for what to do with that time. Put some paint on paper, cardboard or canvas. Don’t plan your painting, just throw some paint on there and see what happens. Use a...
When was the last time you scheduled playtime?

When was the last time you scheduled playtime?

When was the last time you scheduled playtime? I’m not talking about scheduling a play date for your kids or dogs. I’m talking about YOU! When did you take time out just to play? Do you even remember? I know it’s hard to find time for such things...
7 Creativity Lessons from Children

7 Creativity Lessons from Children

Today’s video is about creativity lessons from children. They have a lot to teach us when it comes to artwork. Things we’ve somehow forgotten. You can use any colour you want Staying within the lines is overrated You can make interesting things from...
4 Ways to Use Rituals for Establishing a Creative Habit

4 Ways to Use Rituals for Establishing a Creative Habit

Today’s post is a guest post by Jocelyn Paige Kelly on how to use rituals to establish a creative habit. Enjoy 🙂 When we’re creative sometimes we’re resistant to the concept of routine. We believe that it’s in our best nature to be spontaneous...
Three Ways to Instantly Have More Fun

Three Ways to Instantly Have More Fun

You probably know the feeling of having a boring day, so I don’t think I have to explain that to you. But I want to give you three ways to instantly make that boring day a lot more fun; to shift the energy of the entire day and have more fun. Wouldn’t that...
Three no-fail techniques for writing in your own unique, SASSY voice

Three no-fail techniques for writing in your own unique, SASSY voice

Why is writing in our own voices is so freaking hard sometimes? It’s weird, isn’t it?  Many of us can talk the hind leg off a donkey when we’re face-to-face with the folks we’re speaking to. But put us behind a keyboard, and suddenly all that brilliant inspiration...

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