Josh Carlyle is a personal coach and content manager at Writing Guru. He is always willing to share his knowledge and ideas with readers and write for the blogs from the insights of a professional writer. A long time ago it was discovered that art can make you...
Being creative can bring with it a lot of positives, giving your skills a practical outlet and allowing access to self-expression but what if being creative is not your forte? You’ll be surprised at how creative you can be with just a little inspiration. Check out...
Life’s not that fun when you’re feeling bored but you’re in total control of that feeling. Do something fun to break out of it. Go hunting for shadow shapes in your home (or wherever you are). To explain what I mean, here are a couple of examples:...
Most of the business experts I’ve come in contact with ask you to name your core values, and I’ve done so more than once. One of my values that those business coaches rarely think should be there is the one I’m talking to you about today: Variety I...
As the great Expressionist painter Henri Mattise once said, “Creativity takes courage”. This simple phrase will resonate with any artist that has ever thought about taking on a new art form, subject or medium. Tackling a new subject can be daunting as it...
Be yourself and express your creativity, don’t break the law. I felt it was best to add that to this quote. Not that I think you would break the law or park where you shouldn’t. Those lines are a different thing. I created a lot of these quotes a couple of...