Most of the business experts I’ve come in contact with ask you to name your core values, and I’ve done so more than once. One of my values that those business coaches rarely think should be there is the one I’m talking to you about today: Variety
I love variety

I thrive on it. I am, and will always be, a multi-passionate. You may have herd the terms multifaceted, multi-talented, multi-directional, multi-passionate, multipod, scanner, renaissance people, davinci, jack of all trades etc.
Personally, I prefer the others over the last one. Listing my passions in a blog post would be rather futile because you’d get fed up before the end the post 🙂
I never had an answer to “What do you want to do when you grow up?”. There wasn’t a school or job that fit who I am.
Starting a business definitely helped me figure out what I want but even in business, you still get taught that having more than one passion is wrong.
I’ve been told so many times that you have to focus on only one thing but I can’t. It drives me up the wall. I need there to be variety!
It’s not like I haven’t tried it, I have, and I learned it doesn’t work for me. It’s similar to if you had to have one kind of pasta with the same side dish every single day. You’d get fed up!
I get frustrated, fed up, and edgy.
I procrastinate like mad.
I can’t come up with anything good on the subject I’m supposed to talk about.
I absolutely hate it!
I’ve tried to keep my passions on separate sites, didn’t work.
I’ve tried to mash them all into one, didn’t work either.
So now I’m focusing on the art in the business and I feel better about that since art can be many things 🙂

I’ve tried to keep my passions on separate sites, didn’t work.
I’ve tried to mash them all into one, didn’t work either.
So now I’m focusing on the art in the business and I feel better about that since art can be many things 🙂
Maybe you’re the same, as in you have many passions, or maybe you have one passion and a clear goal. Either way, we’re all unique and the world is slowly catching up with hybrid careers appearing and people talking about this more.
What is/are your passion(s)?
Do you love variety or do you prefer routine?
If you want to talk, about anything, get in touch. Otherwise, leave a comment. If you want to learn more about being a multi-passionate, I have a couple of links for you:
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I too found a certainty and calmness once I committed to being an artist. It isn’t always easy – especially when beginning a new project – but it is a wonderful journey to be on. I love the way we, as artists, all see the world differently.
It isn’t always easy, no but it’s a lot of fun. I love that too 🙂