This week’s Friday Finds is technically late, as it is past Midnight here, but here it is. This week’s edition ties into the post from Wednesday, on creative experiments. I’m giving you a couple of cool ways you can challenge your creativity. Having...
I’m sure you’ve heard that you should push the boundaries of your comfort zone from a lot of people. Creative experiments are the creative twist on that, and you can have a lot of fun doing it too. It’s good to experiment at any time, but especially...
A lot of followers, clients and friends loved my Sassy Sayings series of memes, so I’m bringing it back, in another way. I’m starting a series of memes on the benefits of creativity. The first one being that creativity can make you healthier, or keep you...
After a very busy week, that threw my blog schedule off, and my neck out, I feel like doing a funnier Friday Finds. So please enjoy these. They’re both creative and funny. It’s not too late to join the free October Creativity Challenge. You still...
The October Creativity Challenge starts tomorrow. If you sign up now, you’ll get the first email at 9 am Wednesday morning. In case you’re still wondering if you should do this, here are some reasons you should get creative now. It’s something fun to...
Since the cold weather is coming to the Northern hemisphere soon, I wanted to give you five creative and cool things to keep you warm and comfortable. So that’s what this edition of Friday Finds is about. I hope you’ve had a good start to Autumn....