Just Say NO

Just Say NO

Do you have problems saying no to things that don’t serve you? Do you find yourself doing a bunch of stuff you really shouldn’t be doing, just because you didn’t say no? Learning to say no to what really doesn’t resonate with you, and to those...
Allow yourself to swear

Allow yourself to swear

Yes, I said swear, as in curse! Swearing can be very useful It can be a quick way to release feelings others might bottle up. It can actually help you endure pain Some say intelligent people are more likely to swear And some research shows we actually have a larger...
Have you set any goals for 2013?

Have you set any goals for 2013?

Maybe you have several goals, both for work or business and personal stuff. Maybe you’ve even made some resolutions for the new year. I stopped making resolutions many, many years ago when I realized they were mostly empty promises. I prefer to promise things I...
Business Cards

Business Cards

I needed some business cards for the art I create, so I decided to recycle some of my old ones. I gessoed over the old text wrote my name and the URL for the page on the back and painted something on the front. I’ve only made 7 so far, and 2 were not good...
Pagan Pro’s

Pagan Pro’s

I’m not talking about the pros of being Pagan, although there are many. I’m talking about Pagan Professionals. During my many years as a witch, I’ve come across a lot of Pagan Professionals. Professional bloggers, shop owners, witches, fortune...
Continue with Joomla? Not so sure

Continue with Joomla? Not so sure

I’ve decided against migrating to Joomla 1.7, at least for now. After running a test migration on a test server, I found that it would be far more work than it would be worth. Templates aren’t migrated JUpgrade doesn’t migrate templates, none of the...

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