5 very knowledgeable herbalists

5 very knowledgeable herbalists

Someone was wondering why I wasn’t writing about herbs anymore. I haven’t abandoned herbs, I just haven’t had room for them in a while. This marks the return of herbalism to my blog, and it’s a recommendation (in keeping with this week’s...
Stop it! Negative self-talk is destructive

Stop it! Negative self-talk is destructive

Today, I read a blog post on True Image Coaching’s blog called “Stand up to your inner bully”, and I couldn’t agree more; Negative self-talk is cruel and ineffective. Putting yourself down doesn’t work, it undermines your confidence and...
Add some beauty to your life

Add some beauty to your life

A form of self-care that few think about, and even fewer mention in their advice, is to add some beauty to your life. To have something beautiful to look at makes a big difference. The only ones I’ve seen making this point are Feng Shui experts. According to...

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