Runes tell you what you need right now

Runes tell you what you need right now

If you’re having problems determining exactly what it is that you need most right now, the runes might be able to help you get more clarity on that. This spread is one I use a lot more often for Tarot, but I’ve found it works just as well for runes. A...
Get your smartphone to help you live your purpose

Get your smartphone to help you live your purpose

Believe it or not, but your smartphone can help you on your way to living your purpose if you use a few of the standard functions. 1.  Use the calendar on your phone to block off time to do what you love, to meditate, do yoga, run, write, paint or draw, craft, and to...
Who do you lean on?

Who do you lean on?

No matter how much we think we can do it all alone, we all need support. I grew up without friends, was bullied throughout school, and had a critical mother. So I know what lack of support feels like. It’s not somewhere I want to return to. I’m fortunate...
Guest Post, Odin poem

Guest Post, Odin poem

Hi, I’m Harzgeist from Mists of Manannán, and I’m following a more or less reconstructionist path that includes both Celtic and Norse elements. I’d like to share with you one of the poems I wrote about Odin, Who I’ve been drawn to for a long time. This poem was...


The editor of a magazine asked me for a drawing of Loki, the jotun trickster from Norse mythology because the magazine had some related material in the next issue, and of course, I said yes. So many people are anti-Loki because of some misconception that he’s...

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