If you’re having problems determining exactly what it is that you need most right now, the runes might be able to help you get more clarity on that. This spread is one I use a lot more often for Tarot, but I’ve found it works just as well for runes. A friend of mine actually gave me this spread after doing a reading for me. (She’s a very good Tarot reader, and if you’d like to check her out, her website is here.)
- Something ending
- Here and now
- Something beginning or that’s already begun
- What needs doing
- Helpful energies, what you already have, what you don’t have to work at
- Major hope/fear depending on the rune
- The outcome, anything negative here shows what you’ll overcome when doing what #4 tells you to do
All of these positions have something to say about what you need right now, but number 2 and 4 are most helpful. If you don’t want to or feel you’re not able to, do the reading yourself, book one with me.
Interesting. I sometimes use Tarot in my writing. This would be a great spread to set up a story. Thanks for sharing.
I’d love to hear more about how you do that. It sounds really interesting.
This is a really simple and easy to follow spread.
Thanks for posting it. May give it a go this weekend!
That’s why I like it 🙂 Let me know how it goes. Have a great weekend 🙂
Intressant och bra läggning jag har en liknande pyramid som är användbar. Provade denna med Lenormand korten och vi får se =) Men tydlig och konkret är den. *Gillar*
Bra att du fick nåt ut av läggningen 🙂 Jag har inte hunnit göra den här för mig själv i år. Måste nog göra det snart, för listan med saker att göra är jattelång.