When you’re tired, stressed, in pain, frustrated, or overwhelmed. When you really don’t feel like doing anything, that’s when creativity is most important.
Try to see being creative as a form of self-care
- It can give you more energy
- It can help you forget about the pain for a while (I should know)
- It can take your mind off the things that are bothering you.
- And it’s good for your brain, your productivity, and a bunch of other things 🙂
So the next time you feel like shit, pick up a small project and try it!
A colouring page, a post-.it to doodle on, some modelling clay, or a camera. I bet you have more ideas.
The best thing you can do it to make a list of those ideas, your ‘creative first-aid’. Small projects you can use for those situations. That way you have the list ready when they happen and you won’t have to come up with anything on the spot.

It will make you feel better, I promise
What’s your go-to thing when you feel like crap?
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So important, and yet so difficult to remember when I need it most! I’m intrigued by the creative first aid kit, I’ll think of what to put in my own.
Thanks for taking the time to comment 🙂 You’re right, it’s difficult. We usually only realize it’s important later so I try to kick people into gear before they feel worse.
Happy to hear you’re thinking of assembling your first aid kit.
Sometimes I need to “checkout”. It’s time to watch a silly Rom-Com or Adventure.
I doodle throughout the day often without even thinking about it.
You’ll find doodles on receipts, backs of books, on boxes, etc.
Love hearing it 🙂