Feel like life squeezed the energy out of you?

Feel like life squeezed the energy out of you?

You know those times you feel like someone squeezed the juice out of you, your batteries are flat, the tank is empty, you have no energy, and you don’t want to do anything? October is one of the worst months of the year for me. I’m constantly drained and...
Is Your Unhealthy Feminine Ruling Your Life?

Is Your Unhealthy Feminine Ruling Your Life?

Recently, there have been a lot of buzz around women being feminine, embracing femininity and tuning into feminine energy. In the last 5 years, I have met several women on a business and personal levels, and I was always curious to their take on femininity. Many of...
It gives you more energy

It gives you more energy

One thing I know about expressing your creativity from my own experience is that it gives you more energy. This is because you get a natural high from expressing yourself, and you feel a lot better about everything when you’re being who you really...
Recharge with the energy of spring

Recharge with the energy of spring

I bet you’ve felt a bit under the weather, sluggish and unmotivated lately, I know I have. I’m totally fed up with winter and being cooped up inside. Well, Spring has finally arrived in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, so it’s time to kick your...

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