Radio Scrying

Radio Scrying

I had never heard of Radio Scrying before, but on the 1st of August, this tweet by Naya Aerodiode showed up in my Twitter feed: I discovered that I can use my shortwave radio for scrying. Neat. — Naya Aerodiode (@thesilverspiral) August 1, 2012 Needless to say,...
Rök Runes – 16 – R at The End

Rök Runes – 16 – R at The End

This rune symbolized a sound we don’t really use anymore, and it has no representative in the following futharks. It was a voiced R at the end of words, and it had somewhat of a Z quality to it. Not the same as the voiced uvular fricative used in some languages...
Rök Runes – 15 – Laugr is still the same

Rök Runes – 15 – Laugr is still the same

Laugr is another one of those runes that still look the same as in the Elder Futhark. So I’m letting it keep its interpretation, for the most part. The only things I’ve changed are some personal experiences. Laugr stands for water, flow, and emotion. It...
Rök Runes – 14 – Masculinity

Rök Runes – 14 – Masculinity

We’ve arrived at the fourteenth, and second to last, or the Rök Runes. Instead of the regular Maðr rune from the Elder Futhark, this M-rune is of a more Phallic shape, when you associate it with the word Man. So I choose to interpret it as...
Rök Runes – 13 – Shut up and Listen or H is for Hearing

Rök Runes – 13 – Shut up and Listen or H is for Hearing

This rune bears no resemblance at all to Bjarkan. It’s more like the reverse of Áss. So my interpretation has been written to reflect that. Instead of communication, I picked hearing, listening for this one. It’s an important thing to remember to do in...

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