Eight reasons I get out of bed to create everyday

Eight reasons I get out of bed to create everyday

I create is some form or another every single day. Over the years, creating has become a bigger and bigger part of my life. There are a lot more, but these are some of the main reasons I create every day. I love it It’s fun It develops my skills It takes my mind...
Creativity makes you more satisfied

Creativity makes you more satisfied

You’ve probably heard me say this before, but creativity is fun, fulfilling, enjoyable, and satisfying. If you’re a creative person, who isn’t creating, you’ll feel something missing. It feels like a hole in your soul. Fill that hole by being...
Creativity can make you healthier

Creativity can make you healthier

A lot of followers, clients and friends loved my Sassy Sayings series of memes, so I’m bringing it back, in another way. I’m starting a series of memes on the benefits of creativity. The first one being that creativity can make you healthier, or keep you...
Bring your creativity into what you eat

Bring your creativity into what you eat

My evening sandwich gave me an idea, on how to show you what I do when things get boring. I’m willing to bet that you’re fed up with at least one thing you eat, but you keep eating it the same way, just because of habit. For me, one example is a cheese...
How do I tap into my creative personality

How do I tap into my creative personality

I got a question from a lady who said: “I used to be wildly creative, but somewhere along the line I got practical. Driving the kids to school, cooking, cleaning, rinse and repeat. How do I tap back into my creative personality?” The advice I have is Try...

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