Dates and times for the live crafting videos

Dates and times for the live crafting videos

I have set the dates for the “Craft with Linda” live, interactive videos. I had to move them a bit closer to Yule than I had first intended because I was without internet for a number of days last week. So I didn’t get to do what I was planning to...
Vintage Crochet to Keep Creating

Vintage Crochet to Keep Creating

As I told you in my last post, my body is objecting to the season so I’m not drawing or painting and I’m not posting as much. I am doing some crochet though. Both to stay creative and to get some vintage-inspired items for my self. These are the items...
Do You Think It’s Possible to Paint on Fabric?

Do You Think It’s Possible to Paint on Fabric?

Of course, you can paint on fabric! But you do need a fabric medium if you don’t want it to get really stiff and peel off. I did these shirts for my daughter’s Halloween and costume party costumes over the last two days. I’ll be posting a picture of...
How I Created a Simple Display Wall

How I Created a Simple Display Wall

I’m going to an art & crafts market on Saturday and I don’t have a display wall, so I created my own from a clothing rack, fabric, and rope. This video shows how I did it. What do you think of the display wall? Have you repurposed something? Let me...
How to Make Knitting Fun (and a Bit Challenging)

How to Make Knitting Fun (and a Bit Challenging)

To me, knitting ‘normal’ mitten patterns is really boring. I don’t knit mittens often but when I do, I have fun with it 🙂 This is what I do to make knitting mittens for my daughter more fun, and also a bit more of a challenge. Don’t know if you...

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