The last of the scavenger hunts

The last of the scavenger hunts

Today is the last day of the scavenger hunt series. The price for finding what I’m having you look for today is a little bit different. It’s something permanent, but also a bonus that’s only valid for one week. Baroness Olga de Meyer was a...
Find my advice on creative writing

Find my advice on creative writing

This scavenger hunt is going to be a bit different. You won’t be looking for something I’ve hidden on the site. It’s not even on this site. I want you to find the URL of the guest post I wrote about experimentation in creative writing. Hint: The...
Find the vampire hiding on the site

Find the vampire hiding on the site

Somewhere on this site, there’s a vampire… Don’t worry, he’s not that dangerous. But if you find him, tell me where you found him, and I’ll give you a free workshop recording of your choice. That’s today’s scavenger hunt 🙂 I...
Join today’s scavenger hunt, there’s a prize :)

Join today’s scavenger hunt, there’s a prize :)

Yesterday, I had you searching for a yellow feather (which has been removed now). Today’s scavenger hunt involves finding the colour of Strange Bird number 2. That is the second painting in the Strange Birds series. In the video, I said I would explain what the...
Herb hunt today and you can win a new prosperity amulet

Herb hunt today and you can win a new prosperity amulet

It’s been a long time since I ran a competition on this blog so it’s about time. I’m going to have you hunt for information inside one of The Witch in the Valley Podcast episodes. Find the herb that can bring you money, but also make you more...

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