Occasionally recharging your spiritual batteries is crucial to staying on top. It doesn’t matter what spirituality means to you. Whether it’s doing a ritual, meditating, praying, doing Yoga or something completely different. The importance of recharging is just as great regardless.
This weekend I was recharging mine, by being at the Þing, which us the annual meeting and gathering for Bifrost (the Asatru Fellowship of Norway). I have many friends in Bifrost and got to have many interesting and giving conversations with them. There was, of course, a lot of fun as well. This time I got to attend a day-long class ending in a group Seidr led by Einar Selvik. I also got to buy the new Wardruna album, straight from the source. Two friends and I drove 9 hours to get there, and it was definitely worth it.
Since I joined Bifrost, I’ve been to the Þing every year. I wouldn’t miss it for the World. It’s one of the two events every year that are a must for me. The people are amazing, and I always stay up way too late talking. Every time I leave the gathering dead tired but somehow very energized, and with renewed determination to reach my goals. I wish you could be there to have this experience with me.
Have you found your battery charger? What energizes you spiritually? Leave me a comment below to help other readers find theirs.
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That sounds like a great experience! I’m glad you had a good time 🙂
To me, I recharge in nature, or with music (mostly dancing). It’s what picks me up without fail.
Music, nature, painting, drawing, reading. They all recharge me, but not in the way being social with like-minded people does 🙂 It’s a different battery to me.
That is true, actually. I gave a talk at the pagan pub moot in Dublin yesterday, and I came home buzzing from all the beautiful people. It is very special 🙂
That’s why I’m starting the discussions I’m announcing today 🙂
Congrats on your renewal! I clearly understand what you mean by ‘dead tired but somehow energized’. I know it from my own experience that communication with some people can be extremely encouraging and inspiring. Glad you’ve gone through such an enlightening experience.
Thanks 🙂 I have to get back to a regular practice. The recharge doesn’t last forever 🙂