Are you a patient driver, do you go into road rage, or are you somewhere in between?
I wouldn’t call myself patient in other situations, but when driving, I keep my cool. I might say a foul word or two if someone cuts me off, but I never drive aggressively.
Yesterday I got stuck in a line, waiting for the cops to clear the road after an accident. I moved about 250 m/270 yds in two hours.
And that was only because people were turning around, and some drove past on the walkway.
After two hours, it started moving. It went very slow until we arrived at the 90 km/h (56 mph) sign, because everyone had to look. They even stopped, so I took a picture while standing still. Otherwise I wouldn’t have more than glanced at it.
While I was waiting for two hours, I listened to music, and had a cookie. After a while, I turned the engine off and just chilled.
Would you have done that, or would you be stressed out?
You might wonder how this is connected to holistic living, or any of my other subjects. But if you look at it as respecting life, taking care of yourself and others. Then it is connected 🙂
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I’m not a patient anything 😀 But I can accept situations I cannot change. I got stuck like that on the motorway once, and while it wasn’t pleasant, I listened to the radio, checked Facebook on my iPhone, and generally managed to pass the time.
😀 Me neiter, as you know. Accepting what cannot be changed saves you from a lot of stress.
I’d find good tunes anad check my phone if at a standstill. 2 hours is a long time! That happens to me when it snows here Linda. I need to get more CD’s for that, thanks for the reminder.
I did too 🙂 My pleasure. It’s rare here, something I’m very thankful for.
Been there! When I’m driving along doesn’t bother me, however, If the kids are with me, then, I get stress out. They cannot be patient. But yes I have been long hours stuck in a jam traffic. First day we got here to Germany, after 20 hours of flight, we spend 4 hours in a traffic jam (stau in german) and here is not pleasant either.
It’s not plesant, no 🙂 I’m happy to say it’s rare where I live.
I am usually patient, but I must confess that some drivers really get on my nerves because they drive as if they were alone, putting other people at risk.
I’m a patient driver when stuck in a traffic jam as there is nothing that you can do. The only thing I do worry about is if I need to go to the toilet!
That is something to worry about. I’m glad I didn’t have that problem while waiting.
I’m ok in that type of situation unless you’re super far from home… like states away because you feel like you’ll never get home. Otherwise I seem to attract non-drivers in normal traffic, like those who change lanes without looking or signaling … like HI! I’m driving next to you…. IDK I don’t drive aggressively but I do get super annoyed and will have some choice words for drivers who do not obey the rules. I do find that music or my favorite morning radio station helps a ton. It helps keep me calm.
I never understand why people have to crawl by an accident maybe to justify waiting in queue so long …
I’ve encountered those too 🙂 I’m glad it hasn’t happened often.
In that situation, just sitting at a standstill, I would be patient. However, I have to admit, I am not a patient driver. Other drivers drive me crazy. 🙂 In fact, most of my pet peeves have to do with driving. 😀
🙂 Well, sometimes they deserve a good talking to
I’m patient, too. If I was unable to turn around and use an alternate route, I would tune in to a good radio station, and/or meditate, and/or jot down ideas for blog posts or books, and/or made a couple phone calls to connect with loved ones. (And I would have prayed I didn’t drink so much water that I’d be in need of a restroom, stat!)
Sounds good 🙂 Here in Norway, there’s almost always some bushes or trees nearby, should the emergency arise 🙂