On the 22nd of July 2011, Norway suffered its worst attack since World War II. In one day, we lost 77 people, most of whom were younger than 20, to a madman seeking fame. It started with a bomb in the national government headquarters in Oslo and ended with a mass murder at a political camp at Utøya.
I refuse to publish his name, and I don’t like that media gave, and continues to give him so much personal attention. Like the picture says: Remember the act, and the victims, but not the name.
If you’d like to read more about it, there are lots of articles online. But I ask that you show some respect and don’t contribute to his fame and that you stick to reliable sources for your information. Here are some pictures of the flower offerings in the days after the attack.
Written for Dona Nobis Pacem – Blog for Peace 2011
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It was an awful day in the countryside of Norway that day. I’m sure there is still much healing to be done there. Thank you for NOT glorifying the doer of the deed. Your post is beautiful and well said.
Thank you for blogging peace with us.
Peace to you and yours,
It was, thanks. The same to you 🙂
I was shocked when I heard of this. It was awful, like a shooting gallery full of kids. May he that will remain nameless burn in Hell.
Sometimes it’s unfortunate that I don’t believe in Hell. But I can imagine that Niflhel wouldn’t be the nicest place to spend eternity either.
It is hard to think of what to say in the wake of such tragedy. I just hope that everyone involved finds some sort of peace with it all, however long that takes.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.
Peace to you and yours
[A link to your post will soon be on my blog ‘Peace Bloggers Unite’ ]
It is. Fortunately, noone I know got hurt or killed. Thanks 🙂