Get ready for a creative October

Get ready for a creative October

I want to show you how little it takes to get ready for the October Creativity Challenge, in case you think it’ll take a lot of time and be hard work. Basically, all you need to do is click to sign up and you’re ready. But if you’re one who likes to...
How to prevent life from smothering your creativity

How to prevent life from smothering your creativity

In this episode, I’ll talk about how to avoid that life smothers your creativity. I’m also going to give you a hint at an offer I have for you if you’re hesitant about joining the Creativity Challenge. A small caution might be in order. If...
Using tarot to figure out what to create

Using tarot to figure out what to create

You can use Tarot for a lot of things, and I thought using Tarot to figure out what to create would be just as possible. I’m going to use painting as an example here, but it can be adapted to pretty much any art form or craft. As I see it, you can do this in two...
How to prevent life from smothering your creativity

Make it easy to get your creative fix

In this episode, I’ll talk about how to find your creative fix. I’m also going to give you a creative prompt, something you can do easily and in a short amount of time, to get some creative play into your day. A small caution might be in order. If...
I’ve decided to release this tutorial

I’ve decided to release this tutorial

Some people will think I’m crazy for doing this, but I don’t care. I’ve decided to share this tutorial for photo manipulation with you, even though it’s part of a paid class. It’s a tutorial or demo which shows you how you can manipulate...
How to prevent life from smothering your creativity

Finding new ways through creative experimentation

In this episode, I will talk about how to find new ways through creative experimentation. I’m also going to give you a creative prompt, something you can do easily and in a short amount of time, to get some creative play into your day. A small caution might be...

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