Did you know that stubbornness can actually be a good thing? You might prefer to use the word determination, or maybe tenacity, but stubbornness is good in most cases. Some examples when stubbornness is good to have Setting boundaries – When setting boundaries...
Here’s someone who wants to meet you; a Plum Pigeon in Flight. It’s the latest in my series of Strange Birds, number 7. If you continue reading below the pictures, there may be a message there for you. Tomas decided that he wanted to be in the picture too...
I was listening to a podcast by the author of ‘Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear’ and it struck me that by creating art, I was actually pretty brave. It had never occurred to me that the act of creating was a sign of bravery, but as I listened I...
The Vain Raven in Orange is number 5 in my series of Strange Birds, and I decided to make it an orange Raven because orange is a contrast to the blue you normally find in the black wings of a Raven. I hope you think it’s a pretty bird, and a fun representation...
This is the first mythological landscape in a series: Alfheim, the realm of the Elves from Norse mythology. In this painting, I wanted the landscape itself to be the focus, not a bird or an Elf. So there are no Elves, and only a tiny bird to add some interest higher...
Today is International Soul Art Day, hosted by Laura Hollick, and I was late to the party this year since a bunch of things conspired to not make it possible for me to do my art during the day. So I had to wait for the others to go to sleep so I could get some peace...