This is a video of the complete process I used when creating the last bird in the Strange Birds series, the Hopping Dashed Hawk. All the 15 birds are now finished. This particular bird already has a new home, but there are still 9 other birds for you to adopt over in...
Why did I decide to do the Strange Birds, and why on Earth would I call myself one? I did my best to answer that in this week’s art chat. Unfortunately, the audio and video didn’t work that well. I tried a new piece of software called BeLive to broadcast...
Some say doing an art sale is selling out, or at least devaluing your work. I beg to differ. I’ve done them in the past, and now I’m doing one again. Simply because I need the space. I’m about to increase my production again, and I have limited space...
When I got home after a wonderful weekend with friends in Oslo on Sunday, I was mentally and spiritually energized. My body didn’t enjoy driving a total of 890 km/550 miles in one weekend, on my own, so I had to take it easy for a while after that. Since I want...
Do you want to take a peek at how I do what I do? You can do that by watching my Tuesday Art Chats. As a bonus, you get to tap into what’s going on in my head, as well as get some advice and inspiration. I do these art chats as live streams on my Facebook...
We don’t get much of the bright red and orange in Autumn here in the mountains of Norway. We do get a lot of variations of yellow and brown, with the occasional splash of red. There are only a few Maples, that were introduced. The only other tree that turns red...