A Blonde From Finland and Her Spirit Animal

A Blonde From Finland and Her Spirit Animal

The spirit animal portrait for this Finnish lady is now finished. It took a lot longer than expected and caused a fair bit of frustration. Pirjo’s animal turned out to be a dog and she told me that her Mom had a white, American Akita that she loved, so I decided...
A Portrait of a Singer and a Songbird

A Portrait of a Singer and a Songbird

I was so busy creating this portrait that I forgot to post this on Friday when it was finished. It’s a spirit animal portrait of Lisa Robbin Young, the first portrait I’ve ever done in watercolour, and the first spirit animal portrait.  I decided to make...
Creating 9 Portraits of Women With Their Spirit Animal

Creating 9 Portraits of Women With Their Spirit Animal

I’ve decided to make portraits of women with their spirit animal. The idea actually came from a business coach who had the idea in the shower. The first ones will be made to use as examples on the website, but they are real women and their actual spirit animals....
“Will you walk into my parlor?” said the spider to the fly

“Will you walk into my parlor?” said the spider to the fly

This is what I’ve been up to the last few days. Well, in addition to correcting some issues in the webshop which took a lot of time. They’re the first two drawings for the Pages in the Arthropoda Tarot deck. The IndieGoGo event may have ended but I’m...
Sometimes it takes a virtual 2×4 to get the message

Sometimes it takes a virtual 2×4 to get the message

It seems this is a lesson I need to learn again and again. My body decided that I have been working too much and hit me with a virtual 2x4 to get the message through. On Monday, I was diagnosed with a viral infection in my lungs and sent home with Prednisolone (a...
Drawing an Ant dragging something up a hill

Drawing an Ant dragging something up a hill

I’ve been doing a lot of coloured pencil drawings lately, to create the Arthropoda Tarot deck, and I still have 40 more drawings to do. In this video, I’m starting the drawing for the 9 of Wands, and Ant dragging a pine needle up a hill. I had planned to...

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