The Versatility and Unique Properties of Water

The Versatility and Unique Properties of Water

Water is essential for life on Earth because it gives and sustains life in both animals and plants. We see it pretty much everywhere, both in Nature, our everyday lives, in our bodies, and in industrial use. It’s possibly the most versatile element we have....
After 2.5 Years I’m Celebrating the Last Bug in the Tarot Deck

After 2.5 Years I’m Celebrating the Last Bug in the Tarot Deck

Since the end of May 2015, I’ve been working on a Tarot deck I’ve chosen to call The Arthropoda Tarot. Today, I finished the last of the cards, a Jewel Beetle. There’s still quite a bit of writing to do, a couple of images to clean up a bit more, and...
Fun and Play: Experimenting With Acrylic Paint

Fun and Play: Experimenting With Acrylic Paint

I did another art play experiment recently where I poured acrylic paint on aluminium foil and then pressed artboard and paper onto it. Here’s the video I shot while doing that. I made a mess mid-way and had to clean it up but it was a ton of fun. What will you...
Only 11 More Tarot Cards to Create for the Deck

Only 11 More Tarot Cards to Create for the Deck

As you may have heard (and seen), I’ve been working on a Tarot deck with insects and arachnids where I draw all the images by hand. It’s taken a lot longer and been a much larger job than I initially thought but I can now see the finish line. There are...
Jotunheim – an Acrylic Landscape Inspired by Mythology

Jotunheim – an Acrylic Landscape Inspired by Mythology

This acrylic landscape represents Jotunheim, one of the realms of Norse mythology where the Jotnar lived. I finished it this Sunday and it’s probably the painting I’ve used the most time on so far. It took several layers to get it where I wanted it. The Jotnar...
Do You Want More of These Bright and Colorful Amphibians?

Do You Want More of These Bright and Colorful Amphibians?

Besides working on the next mythological landscape, I’ve also been playing with colour to make these smaller works featuring amphibians: A Toad and a Painted Turtle.  Both of these are 21 x 14.8 cm (or 8.2 x 5.8 inches), so they’re a bit smaller than I...

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