One week left until I let you in on the secret

One week left until I let you in on the secret

I’m getting very excited and incredibly impatient waiting to tell you about the secret I’m keeping, but I have to stick to what I told you and wait until the 21st. I’m definitely not used to keeping things quiet for so long, at least not when it...
Cabinets of curiosities – who, why, and what

Cabinets of curiosities – who, why, and what

This painting by Domenico Remp shows a curiosity cabinet in the form of an actual cabinet. The collection has things like optical instruments, miniature paintings, and shells. Cabinets of curiosities were collections of strange objects, like the ancestor of today’s...
Why I don’t like sneaky sales tactics

Why I don’t like sneaky sales tactics

Let’s talk about the sales monster out there. Sneaky and sleazy sales tactics make me squirm. If I see them in use by someone I follow or subscribe to, I unfollow/unsubscribe immediately. I don’t like them as a customer. I don’t like them as a...
Images and the ways they can influence you

Images and the ways they can influence you

Imagery can have a profound effect on your life, they aren’t just pretty (or horrible) things to look at.  There’s a lot of research into how images influence our mind, and how our minds can be manipulated by images. Your brain is built to make...
Your words will be inspiring my new series

Your words will be inspiring my new series

I’m creating a new series of paintings based on things people say, how they describe their current challenge. I’ve decided to call this new series “WordWorks” since it’s based on words. One thing that title doesn’t say is that the...

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