Do you love cats? Maybe you have a cat? I have Tomas, who you might have seen in my photos. I’ve had 7 other cats before him, with a 25-year break before Tomas. Here’s the sample for the second series I’m considering: A cat in a paper bag. As all...
For the art challenge this week, I’m making art using all the colours of the rainbow. I thought it was very fitting to do this challenge today since it’s pride week. Watch the video to see what I did. Have you tried making art this way? If not, I hope this...
Today I’m going to rant a little bit about ignorance and intolerance. I tolerate most people but there are a few things I don’t tolerate. I don’t tolerate racists, assholes and narcissists. Since its Pride Week, I wanted to talk a little bit...
Most of the business experts I’ve come in contact with ask you to name your core values, and I’ve done so more than once. One of my values that those business coaches rarely think should be there is the one I’m talking to you about today: Variety I...
In today’s art challenge, we’ll be making a lot of dots and connecting them to make a picture. Not in the normal ‘connect the dots’ way, where you have numbered dots on a paper but making a bunch of dots yourself and then connecting them to...