I decided it was time to get back to doing videos, so I’ve started a weekly Tarot card. This week’s card is the 8 of cups, and you can listen to my interpretation in the video below. If you’d rather read it, you’ll find the text below the video.

My interpretation of the Eight of Cups

This Tarot card can show foresight, deliberate action, maturation, progress, development, or a pilgrimage.

Ask yourself what you can do to bring more satisfaction and joy to your life beyond the material or physical. You’re seeking a deeper meaning and focusing on your personal truth. You want to escape from the ‘rat race’ and go for deeper, more spiritual goals, and you’re willing to let go of some material possessions in favor of something more meaningful. The Eight of Cups often shows the start of a journey of diskovery, particularly on a spiritual level.

Another interpretation can be that you’re leaving a situation that no longer works for you. Escapism, disappointment, abandonment, or withdrawal.

The Eight of Cups indicates that you’re disappointed enough to walk away from what you have built so far. This could be related to love or material success. It could also indicate that you’ve over-extended yourself to the point of exhaustion. Even though you’ve come so far, you feel that you can’t go on and your only choice is to walk away. You feel disappointed, but you know that it’s the right thing to do before you burn out. You may also be feeling that you’re giving too much and not getting nearly enough in return.

My advice would be to not stay stuck and follow your dream.



  1. Renae Whitacre

    Thanks for the card of the week and so fitting for me! Kudos on your intention and I look forward to seeing this weekly.

  2. Sibylle

    I love this card. Thank you for the video, I had to share it! 🙂

  3. Tessa

    Linda said: Ask yourself what you can do to bring more satisfaction and joy to your life beyond the material or physical. You’re seeking a deeper meaning and focusing on your personal truth. You want to escape from the ‘rat race’ and go for deeper, more spiritual goals, and you’re willing to let go of some material possessions in favour of something more meaningful. The Eight of Cups often shows the start of a journey of discovery, particularly on a spiritual level.

    My response is: You are right on with this Linda!


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