A lot of Pagans and Witches don’t show the World that they are Pagan or a witch by what they look like on the outside. Some try to hide it when they’re out in public and only live fully as who they are in their own homes. Others don’t feel comfortable showing it, and yet others simply don’t have that kind of taste in clothes. I’m not talking about those of us who have to stay in the closet here, I’m talking about people who are out of the closet. It is, of course, a matter of personal choice and taste. Not every Pagan likes the kind of clothes labelled as ‘Pagan’ by society. Not everyone is comfortable wearing a pentacle or Thor’s hammer to work. There are people, including Pagans, who actually like wearing a suit. I’m one of the obvious ones. I have no problems dressing in ‘those’ kinds of clothes. In fact, I quite like them, and I have no problems wearing Heathen jewellery in public, or even at work. One problem is that I’ve run out of clothes 🙂 well almost. I only have a piece or two that fit my taste right now, so I really need to get some incoming cash to go clothes shopping. Another problem is where to shop. There aren’t that many shops who have my sizes (short, wide and top heavy), and even fewer of those have clothes, shoes, and accessories that I like. I want to be a witch on the outside as well as a witch on the inside. Many Pagan choose to have tattoos that are related to their path. I don’t have any tattoos, but that’s only because I haven’t found an image I like enough to put it on my skin, and it’s crazy expensive here; a small one can set you back 5000 NOK/$865. Do you wear your spirituality on the outside as well as on the inside? Do you wear clothes and/or jewellery that shows your spirituality? Do you have any tattoos related to it? Why or why not? Please share your views in the comments below. This post is part of the Pagan Blog Project, created by Rowan Pendragon
I’m sort of in the broomcloset at home but sometimes I’ll wear my mjolnir pendant out and about. I do like some of the more pagan-esque clothes but I just wear what I’m comfortable in and I actually haven’t gone clothes shopping in a long time Although when I do I will certainly be tempted to pick up some less-severe witchy clothes.
As for tattoos I don’t have any but I have been considering getting a gripper beast design on my back someday.
A gripper beast would make a nice tattoo 🙂 I feel for those who feel they need to stay in the closet, whether that’s with the door sligthly open or not. I’m glad I’m living where people accept me for who I am, even if the village church is full every Sunday.
I’m one of those who actually LIKE “normal” clothes. Besides, I work in an office and a certain dress code is expected, and I don’t have the money to purchase two sets of wardrobes just so I can flaunder my religion in my spare time. I’m completely open and out of the broom closet; when the talk comes to religion, I’ll say who and what I am. I do not hide anything. That doesn’t mean, however, that I broadcast my beliefs with any obvious jewellery – I don’t like labels 🙂
That’s why I made a few exceptions 🙂 Some people don’t like to wear things like that, and some have to dress differently for work etc 🙂
I’m a just on the inside person, although I do wear a pentacle out and about.
For me it’s just because I like a wide variety of styles and haven’t found anything that looks specifically Pagan that’s for me, I wear more girly outfits because that’s just who I am.
That’s understandable 🙂 Sorry it took so long for me to approve your comment, it got caught in the spam filter.