As you probably know, today’s a Full Moon. This one coincides with a partial lunar eclipse. On top of all of that, it’s a Thursday, and Beltane, May Day or Walpurgis is in 5 days. Since I haven’t been that good at keeping up my Esbats lately, I’d like to ask you a question:
What’s your favorite Full Moon celebration?
I love the few Esbats I’ve had with another local Pagan. Two of which were in mid-winter, but were great nonetheless. After answering that question, please follow the instructions in the picture and pass it on by sharing this post.
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Hi Linda
I don’t have any full moon celebrations, but I do love looking at a beautiful full moon, especially as it rises!
It is beautiful 🙂
A good question, Linda! Can’t say I’ve ever participated in a full moon celebration! The moon is super bright here in San Diego. My husband and I noticed it on our way home from dinner. Beautiful! 🙂
Not everyone will 🙂 I wish I did more
Sometimes my friend Kathleen Prophet has webinars on the full moon where we actually dance and make art together. Thanks for reminding me of the full moon.
That sounds like a lovely experience. Can I have the link to her page?