Today I’m not going to tell you anything about the runes, I’m going to ask you something:
What questions do you ask your runes?
By that, I mean what intention or question you most frequently use when doing a rune spread or cast for yourself. I ‘d also love it if you could ask me any questions you may have regarding using runes. Leave me a comment with your answers to the question above, and any questions you might have for me.
Unlike with tarot, I ask the runes questions that I want blunt answers to. Odin is always straight to the point through them. 😉
My own belief is that my intuition gives me the answers, not Odin per se. He’s too busy doing more important things. But they do give a lot more straight answers than Tarot or Cartomancy. 🙂
I have so far mostly used Tarot, not Runes, but if that counts, it’ll be: I usually ask what my next step is in a particular situation. I seek clarity from readings, not so much the huge big life path 😉 So I tend to do simple spreads and only rarely branch out into the more complicated ones.
What if you don’t have any questions and just toss and see? I feel as if my mind is just a muck of this and that or my mind gets filled with so many questions that anxiety sets in. So is it possible to just toss with no question?
That works too 🙂 As with any other divination tool, you can do a general reading.
H Linda , I have been using my rune set for 30 years. I select only one rune for every question. It seems very accurate and even more so over time. However one thing confounds me and I’d love your opinion.
The rune will be very close to what I’m feeling at the time but feelings change so the rune changes. For example once I had the thought that someone I fancied was not right for me for important reasons and the rune was Dagaz, breakthrough and also reversed Kano, But the next day I was feeling romantic thoughts again and the rune was Gebo, partnership. Is it just telling me my feelings? I’d hoped it might help me work out a direction.
I have an interpretation of Kaun based on the original meaning of the word from Old Norse instead of Alngo-Saxon. It might provide a different view:
I also see Gifu more as gift/generosity and balance than partnership:
If you’re interested, my own interpretations are here:
Just click the image of the rune.
Hi. I am new to Rune casting. Would I be able to ask a question relating to a family members future? What I mean is, I want to help this family member out, I havent shared that I am studying Rune casting, but I’d like to ask in what direction this financial/business situation is going for her. Can I ask on her behalf, without her knowing I am asking the Runes? Thanks
I don’t see a problem with it as long as you don’t try to control her future because of it.