You really don’t have to buy a lot of stuff to be able to create. Just use what you’ve got, what’s already around you to make your art and crafts.  There’s plenty of cardboard in your home, I can bet on that with all the packaging you get when you buy food and other things. Fabric scraps is another, most of us have a bunch of those. You can make a lot of things out of recycled materials, and tutorials are really easy to come by.

If you go outside into Nature, you can pick up some crafts materials too. These can also be used for art. You can make brushes out of just about anything, and make prints with the rest.

So look around and see what you’ve got available to you right now. Let me know what you plan on making with them, by leaving a comment below.

PS. There are captions on this video if you need them


  1. Sibylle

    Love this! Just like in magic, the world and all that’s in it, are your tools 🙂


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