The power and magic within me were accessible in the most loving way when I reached 40, now I am 42 and fully enjoying this trip!
During my 30’s everything was so about gaining, about being enough for everybody, my kids, my husband, my work, worry about having a good lifestyle and become frustrated everytime I realize my figure was not exactly and slim as should be according to I’m not sure what magazine (and I am not a magazine fan, but I can still look at them at the newspaper stand!!) It was a continuous unconscious movement.
But life is wiser than me and 40’s were expecting me just around the corner and as soon as I turned 40’s the lights changed, my perspective about other changed I changed and become more me and I started the diskovery of what it is to be an empowered woman spirit. My mind started paying attention to my body in a different way, it is not about beauty, it is about health, mind, body and spirit in balance have show me that at my 42 I can do many things, as a matter of fact I can do anything I want, but the magical key given to me at this stage of my life is that I can be ME.
No more starting fires, I actually now the firefighter and I’m a good one coz I have the spirit working on my side, I can listen without rushing into conclusions, I do not take things seriously, I don’t need to YAY!!!!! I take care of me and ask others to have that in mind, so nobody will be spending energy that is not necessary and we can together have an incredible NOW moment.
I think that is one of the most important things of being 40’s I have the now continuously. One this is for sure I never stop to think what 40’s would be but if I knew it I probably would have try to hurry up to get there! This age is the door to passion, wisdom self-respect the ability to transform anger into love and to see me and believe in me as an instrument of love. Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself’ ~ Rumi
Written by Bernadette Tristan on the subject of turning 40