In this episode, I will talk about the best ways you can support your creativity. I’m also going to give you a creative prompt, something you can do easily and in a short amount of time, to get some creative play into your day.
A small caution might be in order. If you’re sensitive to language, I must warn you that the occasional swear word might slip through the cracks when I edit. That might happen if I’m talking about something I’m particularly passionate about.
13 - The three best ways to support your creativity
Show Notes
The three best ways to support your creativity
You might be expecting me to list some very creative ways to support your creativity but there’s nothing out of the ordinary about these things. Everyone needs to do them, regardless of what results they want.
The three best ways to support your creativity are:
1. Get enough sleep If you don’t get enough sleep, nothing works right. It affects your thinking, your mood, and your health.
2. Take care of your body I bet you’ve heard these before; eat a balanced diet (and that means nourish yourself, don’t starve yourself), get regular exercise, drink enough water etc, etc.
3. Take care of your mind. Make sure to get your me-time, have fun, create, read, meditate, plus any other ways you feel the need to nurture your mind.
If you have trouble making this work for you, book a virtual cup of tea by clicking the link in the show notes, and we’ll talk about it.
Today’s inspirational words are by Edwin Land, and he says “An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail”. Think about that for a while. If you’re afraid to fail, you won’t start. If you want perfection, you won’t start, or at least you won’t finish. So try to let go of some of that and just start and let it evolve on its own.

Weekly Creative Group
I can only work with so many individuals, and I’ve found that I really enjoy working with groups. So I’m creating what I’m calling the Weekly Creative Roundup (that’s the working title by the way) so I can enjoy that type of group atmosphere.
In this group you’d get:
group support
advice, tips, and tricks
feedback on your creations
And you get to be a part of a group of like-minded creatives, who are motivated to support one and other.
Everyone would start off with an individual kickstart call where we’d talk about:
what your situation is like now
what kind of help you need
what your goals are
you’d get to do a creative strength assessment and/or get a reading if you need it
and I’d give you a first step
The first meeting for the group would be a get to know you meeting. Where you get to know the others in your creative support team.
After that we’d have weekly group meetings where we’d talk about:
where you’re at
any obstacles you’ve come across
any challenges you’ve had
and what you’ve been creating during the week
How does that sound to you? Leave a comment on the show notes.
Today’s Creative Prompt is to go outside and pick up some of the beautiful leaves you can find at this time of year, and make some art with them. It doesn’t have to take long. You can just stick them to paper and create something out of them. There are lots of ideas on Pinterest for this (but don’t get hooked on Pinterest, it’s a time suck).
That’s it for me for today. Thanks for listening to the Creative Explorer Podcast. The next episode will, among other things, be about challenging your creativity. If you have any questions, just reach out to me at Remember to rate and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
Hi Linda,
Good stuff. Yeah, sleep. I was just thinking today that I really need to get more sleep. We have gotten better about getting to bed earlier, but I want to try and get at least 8 hours and I am not at the moment.
Love the leaf prompt. They are perfect right now in MN.
I have to say I’m guilty of that too. I usually take a nap during the day because I get myself to bed too late 🙂
Glad to hear that you’ve got the leaves to do it. Most of the leaves here are yellow or green.
love the quote….I am definitely going to use that with my art students this fall. I think that is the biggest stumbling block to most creative desires!
Thanks Debbie 🙂 Yes it is, regardless of age or experience
Don’t be afraid to fail… that’s a biggie for me! In our old church I used to crochet a baby blankets for each baby born to a mom in that church. I seldom followed the pattern exactly, and would ask my artist husband which of several ways I should do it. I was afraid one way might not be as nice. His answer was always the same. “Any of those ways will look great! And whichever way you choose, she will never know it isn’t as ‘good’ as one of the other ways.” Of course he was right.
That’s a great reply from your husband. He was right. What those babies and mothers got was a warm blanket made with love, and that’s what they needed. They didn’t need perfection. I rarely, if ever, use a pattern for knitting or crochet. I prefer to invent my own, and adapt the work to the person they’re for.