This Young Magpie in Purple is the first in a series of Strange Birds. They’re regular birds painted in loose watercolour and fine-liner, where I’ve changed the colour and added some patterns.

Strange bird 1: Yourng Magpie in Purple by Linda Ursin

I’ve been drawing birds for a long time, and I wanted to do something fun with them, so I decided to change how they look. I have 15 birds planned for this series and I have them planned as to what kinds of birds I’ll do but not what I’ll do for each bird, so it’ll be a surprise for both you and me.

If you like the bird, please share it!

Pictures from the process:

(Some of these were taken in low light since it was late in the evening)

The first of the watercolour

The first of the watercolour

Next step watercolour

Next step watercolour

Final step watercolour

Final step watercolour

The first lines with the fine-liner

The first lines with the fine-liner

More lines

More lines



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  1. Sarit Lotem

    You are so talented. This is so preety. I love to see the progress.

    • Linda Ursin

      Thank you Sarit 🙂 I’m glad you like it

  2. Magaly Guerrero

    I like the title of the series, and what it’s inspiring you to create. We need more (strange) purple birds in the world. ♥

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks 🙂 Yes, we need more playfulness. You do your bit for that with your poems

  3. Sibylle

    Lovely, especially the colour!


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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
The first in a series of strange birds
Strange bird 1: Yourng Magpie in Purple by Linda Ursin
The first of the watercolour
Next step watercolour
Final step watercolour
The first lines with the fine-liner
More lines
Linda Ursin
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